Why we believe better than we behave concerning prayer!
Why is it so difficult for us to establish prayer as a priority in our lives? It is because what we say we believe, compared to how we behave, are two very different things.The reason why christians believe better than they behave concerning prayer is that they fail to take four subjects seriously: the reality of spiritual warfare. satan's initiatives concerning prayer,the manner in which Jesus taught us to pray, and what God's word says concerning prayer.
Take seriously the reality of spiritual warfare.
2 Corinthians 10:4
Some christians think spiritual warfare is silly, others think it is only symbolic language that should not be taken literally, However, most christians simply do not understand what the bible means when it speaks of being a good soldier of Jesus Christ.(2 timothy 2:3) Both the reality of spiritual warare and the ability to recognize the enemy are difficult concepts to a large number of christians. Of this we can be certain: christians find themselves in a real war that is vividly described in scripture. We are at war for the souls of men, fighting against an enemy who is a master of disguise and deception.Prayer is the greatest weapon of spiritual power and victory that is available to christians. The devil fears the prayers of God's saints more than anything on earth because prayer presents the greatest danger to his activities. It is not difficult to understand, why the devil will make it his business to see that the prayer life of an individual, of a family, of a church, never become a priority.While satan cannot prevent God from answering prayer, he can and does affect circumstances in such a way that God's answers can be delayed. O.Hallesby wrote: "The secret prayer chamber is a bloody battleground. Here violent and decisive battles are fought out. Here the fate for souls for time and eternity is determined, in quietude and solitude." If we are going to be victorious against a real devil, we must take the reality of spiritual warfare more seriously. This will involve recognizing the movements and schemes of the enemy.
Take seriously satan's Initiatives concerning prayer.
2 Corintians 2:11
Satan has a game plan when it comes to hindering the prayer life of a believer. He takes certain initiatives that are designed to frustrate the christian from developing a powerful prayer life. Recognizing the devil's anti- prayer schemes will help you prevent him from getting the upper hand.
1) The devil provides excuses.- your to busy, you have a full plate, you will be labled "super spiritual",you can't pray as well as others, you will please God more by your ministry than by spending time in prayer, your prayers won't get past the ceiling because of your former sinful life. etc.
2) The devil provides interruptions and distractions.- pressure of duties, constant interruptions, poor health, concerns regarding loved ones, an unannounced visitor, your car suddenly needs maitenance, your pet has needs, you scheduled to many things in a day. Even when you begin to pray your mind wanders off about some worldly concern. The only way to deal with satan's interruptions and distractions is to keep your thoughts centered around Jesus at all times, maintaining a spirit of prayer even during the distraction.
3) The devil provides discouragement. Satan says: all things are working against you.God's word says the opposite. (Romans 8:28) Most of the time when you have a thought that says, "give up"it is the devil speaking. Remember some people will not reach heaven unless we refuse to give up on them in prayer.
4) The devil provides threats, growls, and fears. Yes, satan is a mighty foe, but, our God is Almighty.The devil and his helpers will try everything they can to send fear into the minds of believers, often taking particular aim at prayer warriors. Our part is to claim the protection of the name and the blood of Jesus. (Proverbs 18:10)
5) The devil provides strongholds where he is given permission. Satan interprets your lack of true repentance to be yopur permission for him to remain. Strongholds are one of the devil's favorite anti- prayer schemes for two reasons. One - they rob you of confidencein prayer by keeping you in sin. two- strongholds make it easier for you to at your favorite sins rather than to turn from them. Strongholds can exist in other areas besides a person's life. There are religious strongholds that exist in different countries or locations through out the world. And there are political or governmental strongholds that can be just as prohibiting. The most effective methos of destrying and tearing down personal strongholds is to :
a) Identify the strongholds to God in prayer, confess the stronghold as sin, turn away from that sin and recieve His forgiveness.
b) Ask God through prayer and believe Him, for the destruction of the stronghold by His devine, miraculous power. Fasting is a worthy weapon, or ask a few friends who are mighty prayer warriors to agree with you for victory concerning a spiritual need.
c) Turn toward God by reading, memorizing, and praying selected scriptures, so that your attention will be focused on truth. True repentance involves not only turning away from sin, but also, turning toward God.
2Corinthians 10: 4-5 contains the keys to victory over strongholds. Bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ is literally the way of escape when you are tempted. It takes divinely powerful weapons to destroy strongholds and here is some wonderful news: those divinely powerful weapons (prayer and God's word) are always available for your use.
6) The devil provides a casual attitude toward prayer.
Satan may blind ou to the truthabout the power and necessity of prayer, leading you to consider prayer as a last resort."What good will prayer do" is a question straight from hell.. We come against the devil by using the truth of God's Holy Word.For how can we think casually about anything that Good says is important enough to do, always, without ceasing, first of all. to be continuing in, and to do everywhere?
7) The devil provides a focus on circumstances.
How many times have you let your circumstances directly affect your happiness, your attitude, the way you treat people, your composure, your health, your witness, your prayer time, or your personal relationship with God?The devil wants us to believe that the cares of this world outweigh those of the kingdom.When the enemy tempts you to focus and dwell on your circumstances to the point of worry and anxiety, he is tempting you away from prayer.The devil's desire is for you to rely on your own understanding and limited vision of your circumstances. But, your heart and mind are kept by the peace of God in Christ Jesus.(Phillipians 4:7) provided you are careful for nothing and bringing your circumstances by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving to Gos.(Phillipians 4:6)
Take seriously the manner in which Jesus taught us to pray.
Matthew 6:5-7,9
The Lord's prayer contains two important teachings that reveal the manner in which you should pray. One teaching addresses the content of prayer. There are six petitions in the Lord's prayer. Each of the 6 petitions represents an important concern of a christian. A second teaching, more likely to be overlooked, addresses the priority of one prayer concern over the other. Jesus did not name these petitions arbitrarily; there is a purpose for the order in which these petitions are given. The first three petitions focus on God, the remaining three focus on you. That is no accident. Jesus commands you to "seek first the kingdom of God." This means that you are to be earnest and intense in your initiative to focus on His kingdom. You believe better than you behave, when you consider yet fail to obey the Lord's specific instructions about prayer.
Take seriously what God's word says concerning prayer.
2 Chronicles 7: 14-15
There are atleast 4 evidences that many christians do not take seriously what God is saying concerning prayer.
1) We do not understand that prayer is relationship. Prayer is being with God. We know God only so far as we enter into relationship with Him through prayer.
2) We do not understand the scriptural commands to be alert concerning prayer. Unless we are alert in prayer, we will miss God's warnings and lack Hid discernment regarding satan's attacks.Alertness in prayer enables us to recieve God's prompting to intercede for kingdom concerns. When we are alert in prayer we will hear the cries of lost people, and we will pray faithfully for missionaries, evangelists, and pastors.
3)We do not understand the scriptural warnings regarding wrong motives and hindrances to prayer. We need to consider if we have:
an ungenerous spirit- Proverbs 21: 13
unconfessed, unrepented sin- Isaiah 59: 1-2
idols in the heart - Ezekial 14:3
an unforgiving spirit - Mark 11:25
lack of persistence - Luke 18:1-8
unbelief - James 1:5-7
a selfish motive - James 4:3
unrighteousness - James 5:16
wrong relationship to spouse - 1Peter 3:7
The intercessor should look for these potential hinderances before he prays.
4) We do not understand that prayerlessness is sin. Samuel said to the children of Israel, "God forbid that I should sin against the Lordin ceasing to pray for you."(1Samuel 12:23). Jesus commanded us, "Watch ye and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak."(Mark 14:38) Prayerlessness is the act of ignoring and rejecting God. It is the attitude that we want the things He has to offer but, we don't want Him.And not only is prayerlessness itself sin, but it invites all other types of sin. Prayerlessness results in God's people not having what they are supposed to have, God's work suffering, revival tarrying, and countless souls going to hell. Therefore prayerlessness is not a weakness, a shortcoming, a bad habit, or something to work on; it is plainly sin against God. Not only does prayerlessness expose the condition of your heart, but what you pray and how you pray when you pray reveals much about who you are. Jesus was a very busy man, but, He never let God's work crowd out time set aside for prayer. May you and I follow His example!
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