All scripture in this blog is from the King James Version.
Christian living is to live more abundantly and to live more abundantly is to love more abundantly. Matthew 5: 46&47 says" If you love them that love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing thus? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Aren't even the pagans doing that?
It is when you love the unlovable , do for those who are not your inner circle of family or friends, reach out to the distressed ( and or ) the needy, share the love that God has freely given to you with those who don't know or haven't received His love. We as Christians need to go that extra mile. In Matthew 5:41 it says " Whosoever shall compell thee to go one mile go with them two."
In Luke 6:38 it says " Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, shall they give unto you. For with what measure you meet it shall be measured to you again." In an excerpt from A.T. Mahanay's sermon- {It's the part that hangs over that keeps you warm.}Good measure is standard, so if you want real comfort in Christian living, press it down, shake it together, run it over, do a little extra, add a little something- a little love, a little service, a little kindness.
Use the parable of the good Samaritan found in Luke 10: 30-37. The good Samaritan went the the extra mile, he went beyond the standard help that was necessary. He not only took him to the inn but, he also paid all of his expenses till he got well. Here are some today examples. Example #1- If you saw a person who had been beaten up the standard would be to call the police, but, to go that extra mile would be to take them to safety, clean the wounds the best you could, and be the helping hand they need till they can stand on their own again. Example #2- If you saw an accident take place the standard would be to call for help but, to go the extra mile would be to you would tend to their needs the best you know how and you would stay with them till arrived , then check on them from there on always remembering them in prayer.
The Christian way of life is to go beyond the standard and go the extra mile, give the extra dollar, reach a little farther with your helping hand, love beyond those who love you back.
In John 15: 13 it says " Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for another." There are many interpretations of this verse but in the text that I using it in I interpret it in this manner; there is no greater love you can give than to put you out of the forefront to do for someone else in the Christian manner that we are called to show forth.
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