Oct 22, 2012

“Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

                            Mark 4:40

How many times while Jesus was with the disciples did they see the miracles that Jesus performed? They were there when Jesus turned water to wine, they were there when Jesus feed the 5000. They were there when Jesus healed the blind and made the lame to walk. They were there when Jesus cast out demons and raised the dead. They were eyewitnesses.  So how could they doubt? How could they fear? How could they have such little faith? 
I sometimes think about myself in those same times. Being physically side by side with Jesus. And I say How could they have such little faith in Jesus? But, then i ask the very same question of myself. How can I have such little faith?
Jesus has never left me and He has always been there when I have called out to Him , even when I had rejected Him. Time after time, after time, I have witnessed the miracles He has done in my life and that of others. Time after time, I cry out to Him and He rescues me. Yet, when the next roadblock comes. when the next storm comes, when the next hardship comes; it is always the same responses. Lord , why have you forsaken me?Or Where are you Lord? Or why haven't you fixed this or taken it away, Lord.
Jesus, doesn't want us to be robots, so He will understands that there will be times when we question Him? Moses did, Abraham did. Elijah did. But, when He spoke they believed Him.
God doesn't mind His children questioning, That is how children grow and learn. But, He does want us to have a relationship with Him so devoted and so trusting and so secure that When He speaks we have no doubt it will happen. He wants a relationship with us so close, (as a child is to their earthly father, and more) that when the storm comes we know that our Daddy God will calm it, He will fix whats broken, He will heal our wounds, He will make a way where there is no other way.
And all He asks of us is that we believe, that we have faith . Do we have enough of a relationship with Jesus that when He says, I will provide; or when He says, You are healed; to just take Him at His word and believe? Do we have enough faith in Jesus to stand on His promises no matter what it looks like to the naked eye?
Food for thought,  Can you do this without Him? No, so why struggle? Cast your cares on Him, and believe that He is willing and able to take care of you!

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