Sep 7, 2011

The wedding you don't want to miss!

When we think of weddings it's all about the bride, showcases the bride, makes the bride the one to watch and be near. But, the wedding I am writing about is all about the bridegroom. His name is Jesus. He is the one to watch for , he is the most important, he is the one to be married to. He has paid the bride price and is coming back for His bride.  We the church are His bride (Ephesians 5:27) and we are to be pure and holy, without spot or wrinkle. (Ephesians 5:27)
 As in the parable of the 10 virgins ; Jesus told that parable not to the multitudes but, to the disciples why? Because the message is for the church. Out of the 10 only 5 were ready and waiting for the bridegrooms return. Many of us call ourselves christians but, are not waiting and ready for His return. When the bridegroom returns it will be to late for those who are not prepared (saved).
 I found this comparison between a Jewish wedding and the marriage of Jesus to His church. I would like to show you the amazing way this opens your eyes to the clarity of the message.

A Jewish man's relationship with his Bride to be

Christ Jesus' relationship with His Bride to Be

A Jewish man would approach the girl of his choice with a legally binding contract/covenant.  If accepted it was a fully binding agreement on both parties. Jesus approaches us and if we accept He makes a  covenant with us  
The contract would include the price that that man was willing to pay for his bride.  The more he would pay, the more it would show his love for his bride. Jesus paid the highest price for us, sacrificing His life for us, shedding His blood. (1Cor. 6:19-20)
The contract was sealed when the man and woman would drink a cup of wine together. Jesus had His disciples drink of His  blood and eat of his flesh and asks all of us to do the same. (communion)
Some form of benediction would be given symbolizing that the covenant relationship between the two had been  established.  At this time they were considered married. Jesus said do this (communion) in remembrance of His, until He returns.    (Mat. 26:28-29
The man/groom would then leave the girl at her home and would depart to go to his home, usually his father’s house.   There he would prepare a bridal chamber for them to honeymoon in. Jesus left to return to His fathers house to prepare a place for us. (Jn. 14:2-4)
The length of time before the groom returned to get his bride was usually a year. The actual timing of his return was up to his father. When the father said it was time, the groom would return for his bride Jesus says only the Father knows when He will return. (Mat. 24:36)
While the groom was away, the bride prepared herself for their marriage.  She would keep herself veiled in public, a symbol that she belonged to another and was set apart and bought with a price. We, the church, as His bride are to prepare ourselves for His return. We are to keep ourselves pure and unadulterated. (2Cor. 11:2)(Eph. 5:25-27)   
Custom was the she was to have an oil lamp ready for her departure, as the groom was to come for her at night. We are to always be ready for Jesus’ return for us. (Mat. 25)
When the time came, the groom, along with his best man and other attendants, would leave his father's house in a torchlite procession (as it was done at night) and go to fetch his bride. Jesus will come back down from heaven and we will meet Him in the air. (1Thes. 4:16-17)
Since the bride did not know the exact timing of the groom's coming (she had an idea when it was to happen, but did not know the exact timing of his coming), the groom's arrival was preceded by a loud shout or shouts to give her a few moments to arise, trim her lamp, gather her things and then the groom would get her and bring her back (veiled) to his father's house and the place he has prepared for her. Jesus will return for us with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God announcing Him. (1Thes.4:16-18)  

The groom and his bride would return to his father's house, where the wedding party and guests would escort them to the chamber. There the groom and his bride would consummate the marriage for the first time (be intimate). We return to heaven (Father’s house) with Jesus to be made fully clean (2Cor. 5:10) and then begin the wedding party.  (Jn. 3:29)
After consummation, the groom's best man would announce the consummation to the wedding party waiting outside. The wedding party and the wedding guests would then celebrate the wedding feast for the next seven days and the groom and his bride would honeymoon in their bridal chamber for the next seven days. We remain with Jesus in heaven for 7 yrs.- during the time of the Great Tribulation on earth.  

When the marriage week was over, the bride and the groom would emerge, the bride would be unveiled so all could see her face. We emerge with Jesus fully clean and righteous for all to see. and the great wedding supper would be celebrated.  (Eph. 25-27)
After the marriage supper, the bride and groom would depart for their own dwelling place to live. Jesus (now with us His bride) return to earth, His rightful home, to rule forever.   (Col. 3:4)     (Rev. 19:13-14)         (2Tim 2:12) (1Cor. 6:1-3)

    Now suppose the young girl, suddenly appears at her window, only to say, "I am not ready yet; go away and come back later". How would the bridegroom feel in that situation? His friends have all made the long trip with him, only to see him embarrassed by a bride who isn't even keeping watch for him!   Everything to this point has been done explicitly for her benefit. Might her lack of exuberance at the sight of her bridegroom’s sudden appearance indicate she has another lover. Folks, this scene breaks my heart! It makes me downright angry too! To think that Jesus has paid the ultimate price for us, for us to have everything; granted many gifts to us; and then for the Church to not be eagerly yearning for his sudden appearance is an insult to the Father!

So here is my question. Are you ready and eager for the return of your bridegroom Jesus? Or do you have another lover (the world) and need to get ready (saved and set apart for the bridegroom only). Will you be taken to the bridegrooms bosom or will it be to late for you? Please my friend , I beg of you, forsake all and give your all to Jesus this very day, this very hour, this very minute, for we know not when the bridegroom cometh.

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