Jan 26, 2012

To live is Christ !

Many christians lives are a turn-style of up and down experiences.One day they are on a spiritual mountaintop and the next they are in the valley of the shadow of death. The reason for this is that they mistakenly believe that it is their responsibility to do what only God can do.
As Charles Trumbull says in his book* Victory in Christ*, Jesus offers to set us free not only from the penalty of sin but, also from it's power. We accept and are victorious only by letting Him do it all as an outright gift.
We have all heard the saying *Let go and let God*, in essence what that is saying is that we need to surrender striving to fix everything in our lives and let God do the fixing. We need to surrender ALL areas of our lives, our concerns, our needs, etc. totally to Him.
In Galatians 2:20 it says " I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me." And in 2 Corinthians 5:17 it says " For if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation."
What we need to understand  and let sink into our very lives and thoughts is that - to live is Christ. NOT, to live is to be Christ-like, NOT, to live is to serve Christ, BUT, to live is Christ. Christ Jesus is not an external savior who does a saving work for us, He is not walking along beside us ready to help us out should we have the need, providing the power, strength and rescuing. He is actually and literally within us. While we retain our own identity, free will, and full moral responsibility, He is our very life.
Let us walk in victory knowing and believing that " TO LIVE IS CHRIST!"

Jan 22, 2012

Heaven or Hell, your choice!

 Heaven or Hell, your choice!

Do you know where you would go if you died today? What if the world suddenly came to an end (and it soon will)?Time is so short,you  can not afford to take the chance of waiting
If you have the thought that   since you are a good person and haven't done anything illegal and haven't got a bad attitude or that you help the homeless or needy children that you are going to heaven. If you think because you go to church once in a while when it fits your schedule or every week for that matter , that you are going to heaven. If you think because your mom or dad is or was a christian that automatically makes you one. Then you have bought into the world's most dangerous lie and you need to change that before time runs out. And believe me we never know how much time we really have.
The Bible says the ONLY way into heaven is through Jesus Christ. You must believe He is the Son of God and that He alone died to take away the sins of the world, (your sins)  and you need to ask Him to come into your heart and become your Savior.
You may say but, I haven't sinned, I haven't done anything bad, but, the Bible says the we have all sinned and fallen short . We are born into sin and without Jesus we will die in that sin and the only place without Jesus in our hearts is Hell.
Then there are those who have made the choice to follow Satan (Lucifer the fallen angel) thinking that he promised them riches and fame and whatever else but, before it's to late let me just tell you that Satan does not love you, Satan does not care about you, and most certainly Satan would not give his life to save you. All you are to him is an instrument. He feels that since his time is short and his end is coming that the more people that he can keep out of the kingdom of heaven the more pain He can cause God the Father and Jesus our savior.
But, here is good news for you who have chosen his way. It is not to late, you haven't gone to far; Jesus is waiting with His hand out to you , waiting to pull you up out of that mire and set you free from Satan's kingdom. Jesus shed His blood that you may be saved. Make that choice now before it is to late. Jesus loves you and wants you with Him for all eternity.
So which will you choose today? Will it be heaven or will it be hell?I pray that it will be the right choice.

Jan 21, 2012

Grace and Mercy

 Grace and Mercy

They are almost always found together but are not of the same meaning.
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary:
Grace: unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification; the quality or state of being considerate or thoughtful.
Mercy: a blessing that is an act of divine favor or compassion;compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one's power;lenient or compassionate treatment.
Mercy is God withholding the punishment that we rightly deeserve. Grace is God not only withholding that punishment but, offering the most precious of gifts instead.
Mercy withholds the knife from the heart of Isacc.
Grace provides a ram in the thicket.
Mercy runs to forgive the prodigal son.
Grace throws a party with every extravagance.
Mercy bandages the wounds of the man beaten by robbers.
Grace covers the cost of his full recovery.
Mercy hears the cry of the thief on the cross.
Grace promises paradise that very day.
Mercy pays the penalty for our sins at the cross.
Grace substitutes the righteousness of Christ for our wickedness.
Mercy converts Paul on the road to Damascus.
Grace calls him to be an apostle.
Mercy closes the door to hell.
Grace opens the door to heaven.
Mercy withholds what we have earned.
Grace provides blessings we have not earned.
There should always be one with the other. It is possible for both grace and mercy to stand on their own but, it is heavenly when they work simultaneously together.
Are you in need of grace and mercy today.... Our Heavenly Father is waiting to give these free gifts to you just as soon as you ask.
Do you know someone who needs grace and mercy from you today? If God our Father has not withheld these things from us, isn't it about time we start following His lead and freely giving these gifts to others in need of them?