May 25, 2011

The Power of Praise is for Now!

Until recently when I heard about praise and worship i thought it was when the choir sang. We can not remain babies forever, we need to progress and learn new depths of God. Many churches don't teach about praise and worship and some even think it was for times past. The Power of praise and worship are for right now.
It amazes me how some are comfortable letting the Pastor carry the weight of the church by himself, leaving the praying up to him.  More so I am astonished to find so many people who come to church expecting to be ministered to and blessed without any participation on their part.
When you say that you love God , how deep is that love really? Are they empty words or  are they meant with every fiber of your being? As you spend  your life with your loved ones do you expect someone else to tell them that you love them? Do you expect them to just know it? Or do you tell them and show them with all you are? God wants the same from us, He wants us to praise him, He wants to hear and see the depths of our love for him, He wants to be worshiped and adored.  He loves us so much he gave his life for us, how much do you love him?
Recently I learned that praise and worship isn't just the singers singing but a depth of my telling Him how much I adore him and how blessed I feel that he loves me so much , and worshiping him with ALL of my love. In learning that depth of praise I also learned that praise and worship is cooperate but, it is also necessary to be individually. You have to go to God yourself, you have to read and study his word for yourself, you have to seek him out for yourself.
And when you go into the presence of God there is such a power in your praises. Jesus loves to hear our praises, He loves for us to worship him, and when we do He moves mightily. In Jeremiah 29:13 and 14 it says that * if you seek me with your whole heart you SHALL find me*
The power of Praise isn't in the past it's for here and now!

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