May 7, 2011

Consider the wisdom of the old

Job 12:12 says: Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?

I guess I have always had a heart for the elderly but, it really sticks out to me the wisdom I can gain from listening to them as they share about their life and life's lessons.

My mother told me that even as a child if I couldn't be found they knew I could be found talking with the older folks. As we are growing up we somehow think that the older folks don't know what they are talking about and that we are way smarter than them. but,  If we are smart we will take time to listen to them because they have so much wisdom to impart into our lives. And we can benefit greatly from it.

I remember how much I used to complain about my Nana coming to visit because it always seemed she was picking on the way I was and acted, but, in truth she was only trying to spare me a life of heartache. But, as I got older I used to love to sit and listen to her stories and yes even her advise.  And I used to love to spend time talking with my other grandma because whenever I needed advise or wisdom on something she was always available and willing to share it.

Even now I go to the older women of the church for nuggets of wisdom. They may have advanced in age but, they have gained a lot of knowledge and wisdom through those years and have earned our respect and honoring of them.

It saddens me to see the neglect that has been bestowed upon a lot of them.  Just consider for a minute the elderly that cross your life and ask yourself; what can I learn from them.

From some I have learned to look to God in all things, From some I have learned that without God life is a tough road to walk.

There are 4 specific older women who have touched my life and helped to make me who I am today. My Nana(mom's mom) taught me  that no matter what if we walk with God  one day we will reap the rewards of our labors in heaven. She taught me that I need to faithful in the small things if I want God to bless me with bigger things to do. My 8th grade Sunday school teacher made God real for me instead of just a name in a really old book or someone whom we learned about in church. And my Grandma ( from my dads side of the family), taught me that sometimes being honest is one of the hardest things to do but, that if we always remain honest we can always be trusted  because we have kept our integrity. She always taught me to love always even in the face of hardship. I don't remember a day that she ever raised her voice to me nor do I remember ever seeing her that she wasn't smiling. And Miss Hazel, though I met her in my older years ; I learned from her patience and peace.

Don't get me wrong , I have come across some really unkind , even nasty elderly people.
Some who think that the world owes them because they have lived long enough for it to. I have met some who are extremely cantankerous because of the situations of life they are experiencing. And some who are just miserable because they don't have the Lord in their lives. But, even in them can you learn something and gain wisdom..

So all this rambling comes back to one thing.
Consider the wisdom of the old and the knowledge that you can gain from them.

Do you have an older person in your life ? Take the time to listen to them. Value their wisdom.
if you don't have someone in your life , the nursing homes are full of older people who would love to share their lives and wisdom with you.
Just a nugget I felt I would pass along, I hope it blesses you in some way.

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