Have you noticed that just about anywhere you turn in the bible the statement *the LORD your GOD* is there? It is actually found in the bible 144 times. I believe that if it is in there that many times that God is saying something to us about it.
When you find the word LORD completely capitalized it is referring to the word "Jehovah" But, If the word Lord only has the first letter capitalized it means "master*. I am not exactly positive if the second translation is even in the bible but, I do know that every verse I read declares LORD(Jehovah ) your God. but, which ever way you read it or find it written the word your (thy in KJV) is always in lower case letters. That is because God created man, man did not create God. God was and is and always will be , He isn't a creation. He is omnipotent, He is omnipresent, He is omniscience. God is in control. We exist because it was His desire that we exist.
There is only one true God. The first 7 of the 10 commandments make sure that you aware of this very thing. In Exodus 20:3 and 4 it tells us that we are not to have but, one God. The one true God. Some people say I worship this god or that god , some worship money, position, fame etc. But, GOD says "thou shall have NO other gods before me."
Then there are those who say there is no GOD, or some that even make satan their god. But, it says in Philippians 2:10 *At the name of Jesus that every knee shall bow, in heaven, on earth and under the earth.* Whether the choose GOD or not they will one day bow before Him acknowledging that He is the one and only true GOD. Mark 12:29 says *The most important commandment is this: Listen O Israel, The LORD our GOD is the one and only LORD.*
God didn't create us to do things our own way. That's called pride. And that's why satan was cast out of heaven. Because he thought he could do things better than God, he thought he was above God.
So the next time you are reading the bible and you happen upon that statement *the LORD your God* stop and thank Him for being your one true God.!
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