Jul 8, 2011

Our heart, God's heart; are we a man after God's own heart? Part 1

First of all I want to clarify my use of the term *man*. When I use this I am not being gender specific, I am referring to mankind. I know that some will think I should be politically correct and use the term *person* but, I believe that this is the way that God has given me this message this is the way I will use it. All scripture used in these blogs will be from the NASB (New American Standard Bible).

                                 Part #1> The Heart of God!
                                         1 Samuel 13:14b

*the Lord has sought out a man after His own heart* The bible states that David was *a man after God's own heart. Acts 13:22b*  Does God have a heart? Of course He does. In Genesis 6:5-6 it states *The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on earth and He saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil. So the Lord was sorry He had ever made them and put them on the earth. It broke His heart. It is only possible to break a heart if you have one to be broken. Therefore God has a heart.

God created man in His own image but, He gave man freewill. He didn't want robots .  God knew that we would mess up from time to time but, he wanted us to love him enough to repent when we do so, he wanted us to want to please Him of our own freewill.

God wants to have a true heart to heart relationship with us.  And when we get to the point where we don't have to ask what God wants or seek it out in the bible because we know what God wants then our hearts will be in perfect alignment with His.

We can hide whats in our hearts from other people but, God knows our thoughts, our intentions, our very heart. Psalm 44:21 says * God would surely have known it, for He knows the secrets of every heart.* God wants us to be willing to risk everything we have, even our own lives, for Him; just because we love Him.

Quoted from the book ( Reaching the heart of God; the key to revival by: Mac Owen)  he says, If we are to serve God, bring pleasure to Him, we must have a changed heart. It must become our natural desire to choose that which is pleasing to God.

Change my heart O God, make it ever true; Change my heart O God, may it be like you!!!!!

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