The Result- Revival!
Psalm 85: 6-9
*Won't you revive us again, so your people can rejoice in you? Show us your unfailing love, O Lord, and grant us your salvation.I listen carefully to what God the Lord is saying, for He speaks peace to His faithful people. But, let them not return to their foolish ways. Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him, so our land will be filled with His glory.*
In this scripture we David's heart cry; not just for revival but, for permanent revival.
What is revival and what is it not? Revival is not: a series of meetings planned by man and labeled "revival". It is not: a bunch of hyped up people who go home the same way they came. It is not :evangelism. Though we can have evangelism without revival; true revival always results in evangelism. True revival is: God initiated. It is: a fresh anointing, God doing a new thing, and it is unique. Hearts are truly changed, masses are shaken, the church is renewed. Many are moved to evangelism, many are quicked to learn and teach the word of God, and still others are stirred to social action ( reaching out to the homeless, reaching the lost and helping the forgotten and needy in the community etc.) When real revival comes the whole world will know it. Our worship will come from the heart, and we will know that God desires our holiness.
What will we do with revival when God releases it? Will we just consume it for ourselves, bragging about how big our church or ministry is becoming? Or will we see how many extravagant buildings we can build? Or maybe we will pride ourselves on how many meetings we are attending and how many good feelings we can receive.
We must ask ourselves these questions. Are we ready to receive revival? Many christians are praying for revival but, are we truly prepared for it? Fervent prayers are essential, but we should be asking; are we ready for the commitment it will require?Are we ready to care for and disciple those who are gathered? Are we ready to train and nurture the thousands of new believers that true revival will bring in? Or will we simply leave them to make it on their own? Now is the time for preparation, for training of leaders who will fill the gap when revival comes. Once revival starts,it will be to late. The bible speaks of the early rain and the latter rain, I believe the latter rain refers to the end time revival.
We must have our hearts softened and prepared to receive revival before He will send it. God's word says that we need to break up that hard ground (in our hearts). Perhaps then receive revival in our hearts. Revival must begin within us before it can spread outward to the world.
There have been many revivals in the past. Some great and some not so great. Many of them just dissipated as fast as they came. Why? Because they weren't focused on the harvest or the Lord of the harvest. If revival comes and we merely focus on ourselves it will quickly dissipate. If we keep taking in and never giving anything back we will soon be of no use for anything. In Titus 2:11-13 it says that when real revival comes there is going to be a change on the inside.
How are we going to recognize this revival when it comes? The fruits of revival will show it to be real. Matthew 7: 16 & 20 says " you will know them by their fruits." Whenever Jesus says something more than once we had better pay attention. If we don't see God working in our lives and in our church , then we had better take heed.
In John 15:16 Jesus says that He has chosen us . And for what? To bear fruit that will remain. It is awesome to feel God's power in our midst, but real revival will get us off the floor and out the door taking revival to the world. It will affect our lives and everything we do.
In Proverbs 11:30 we read * The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who is wise wins souls* Souls are the harvest and souls saved are the greatest gift we can bring to God. The greatest enemy of revival is being satisfied with where we are.
If we really love the Lord we will want to please Him. So what can we do to please Him? We can bear fruit in every good work.If we are doing the work of God, there is going to be fruit. If there is no good fruit, it is not the work of God, no matter how spiritual it looks.
Many in the church today are running from here to there and back looking for signs and wonders.But, Jesus said that we will know them by their fruits, not by the signs and wonders. Jesus didn't send them out to just heal, He sent them out to preach the kingdom and to make disciples.
Lasting revival can only come when the desire for revival comes from the heart.God created us for a heart to heart relationship with Him and He is searching the for those whose heart desires to fulfill that relationship.
Revival is on the way and God is preparing those who will be a part of it. The whole mission of the church will change as true revival comes. We have a BIG GOD who desires a Big family. When we reach the full potential for which God created us, we reach the heart of God!
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