A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.(Proverbs 14:1)
This may seem pretty straight forward but, have we really got a clear understanding of what this verse means? The bible is full of how you can destry your home(family) and how you can strengthen it. So let's look at some of them today.
The very first one that jumped out at me was Proverbs 18:21..The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.
If we constantly nag, condenscend, insult, spew angry words, we are tearing down any relationship that we have. But, if we are cheerful, uplifting, compassionate, encourageing etc. we are building a solid foundation of relationships.
A woman's role is so important in the home that Satan's first attack was directed at Eve. To turn her away from God and decieve her into thinking that there is a greater and more fullfilling role out there for her. Now this is not against any woman who works outside of the home. God knows and understands todays need for the woman to work outside the home but, His call to nurture and train your family in the ways of God do not change because of the need to go out and work. Are you giving your children your best reflection of Christ in your daily walk?Orare they learning more of their daily walk from others or the television and computer?The Lord designed the home to be the wellspring of discipleship, a center where hearts are bound together for His glory.Unless we teach our children to serve and praise the Lord in the course of every day, we merely train their hearts to have "a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof." We must not merely disciple them in church attendance, but in daily spiritual discipline and honor to God.
In Genesis we see that God created a woman to be a help meet to her husband, not above him or beneath him. Better to dwell in a corner of a housetop, than in a house shared with a contentious woman. (Proverbs 21:9; see also 21:19; 25:24),we are to be a helper to our husband , by many means, not be a slave to them but, through encouragement, prayer and support we lift up our husbands and stand firmly beside them . When we minister together with them we are a team not adversaries. when we raise children with them we are a team not adversaries.
But, as for me and my house we will serve the Lord always!(Joshua 24:15). Though this scripture has no gender specifics but, it is something God has placed on my heart for a long time, and even now you will find it posted on my door as you enter. It is a scripture that I will live by for the rest of my days and for the rest of the teaching here, I am learning along with you and hereby commit to growing more and more each day in the knowledge of my role in the family.
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