Jul 18, 2011

Our hearts, God's heart; are we a man after God's own heart? Part# 8

                                       We need to understand the kingdom of God!

Today I am going to share with you the words from the writer of "Reaching  the heart of God" Mac Owen. The way he interprets this subject is much better than I could put into words so I will let him do the speaking today and hope that it touches your spirit as much as it has mine.
Matthew 6:10 says:  *May your kingdom come soon, May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.* While we usually call this the Lord's prayer , it is really the disciple's or believer's prayer. It is for us to pray.
Jesus spoke more about the kingdom of God than anything else in the bible. He mentioned it more than 100 times in the gospels alone.He must have felt the kingdom of God was very important for us to understand.If we are honest with ourselves, we will realize how little we know about the kingdom of which Jesus spoke so much.
What is it that Jesus is asking us to pray God's kingdom to come here on earth.  I believe God's heart desire is for His kingdom to be established here on earth and also in earth, (our bodies). What is a kingdom? A kingdom is an absolute rule. The king has absolute power to rule as he pleases, and everyone in that domain is subject to that rule.
Jesus said a few things about His kingdom. He said that it was *not of this world John 18:36*. He also said * The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say," here it is or there it is " because the kingdom of God is within you. Luke 17:20-21* The word of God refers to this as the heart of man or simply put. our heart. The kingdom of God is the government of God ruling the heart of man.
It is the foundation and fulfillment of our salvation.Yes, Jesus has done it all on the cross; but we need to press in to all He has done for us and become all desires us to be.  Jesus said * Not everyone who says to me Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but, only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Matthew7:21 * If He really truly rules our hearts, we can't help but, want to do His will and come into His kingdom. This is the kingdom that we were told to pray for. But, unlike other kingdoms, it is voluntary; God never forces His rule on anyone.
His plan was not just that we go to heaven when we die. God's plan is that we have a fulfilling relationship  with Him here so that His will can be don here on earth, just as it has always been done in heaven. The kingdom of God is already here. It is our privilege and responsibility to show it to others. The kingdom of God is a lifestyle; it is something spiritual, not physical. That is why no one can see the kingdom unless he is born again. We don't have to die and go to heaven to find God, to talk with Him, or to fellowship with Him. He came from heaven to earth so that we could know Him here. We who are born again are in the kingdom of God now.
The kingdom of God was not only one of the first things that Jesus preached , it was also the last. When we trust in Jesus, He builds into us a portion of each of the characteristics of His character and ability. Wholeness and healing are a part of the kingdom of God. Everything of the kingdom, however will not be " righteousness, peace and joy. " *We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God. Acts 14: 22*
Jesus walked in willing obedience all of His life. When we truly find and enter into the kingdom of God , we too will want to walk in obedience, not because we have to, but like Jesus, it will be because of our love and respect for the Father. We will want to.
In Matthew 21:43 just after telling the parable of the wicked tenant farmers, He warns :* Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to people who will produce it's fruit. * If we don't bear good fruit, that is , spread the gospel and make disciples, He will remove the kingdom from us and we will not enter into all He has prepared for us. In Luke 4:43 Jesus is telling us that His mission on earth. was to proclaim the kingdom of God. Jesus knew that the gospel had to be preached everywhere. Isn't that exactly what we are called to do? We were never intended to get comfortable in our own little churches and just keep to ourselves. Jesus said that we were to * Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15*
In John 3:3-5 it says:*I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. How can he be born when he is old ? Nicodemus asked. Surely he can not enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born! Jesus answered, I tell you the truth no one can enter the kingdom of God  unless he is born of water and the Spirit.*You must be born again to see the kingdom, but unless you are born of the Spirit , that is of the Holy Spirit, you can not enter into the kingdom of God. Does He have absolute rule? Does He rule every aspect of your life? Your time? Your money? Your thoughts? Or do you still have a few pockets of resistance? Jesus said * The time has come.... The kingdom of God is near, Mark 1:15* We need to make every effort to come into it's fullness.
His true church is founded on  who Jesus is. When we see Jesus for who he really is and submits to His government, we will enjoy the righteousness, peace and joy which are fruits of the kingdom.
There are 3 basic kingdoms in which we have to deal with. 1) the kingdom of this world.> that is the world's system of doing things. 2) the kingdom of God> which is the absolute rule of God over our lives. 3) the kingdom of self > that is the hardest to deal with. It all boils down to ; are we willing to let God have complete rule of our hearts and lives? It is a continuing battle , self wants to rule.We are guided in all things by God. This is the ultimate of what God wants for us, His prize possession.!

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