Those who aren't saved, need to get saved. Those who are waiting till they get older, there is no more time. Those who are sitting on the fence need to get off that fence and get right with God. Those who have back slidden need to get on their knees and repent and ask God for forgiveness. Those who call themselves Christians but, don't walk daily with the Lord need to repent and seek a deeper relationship with God. And those of us who do have a relationship with Christ need to get busy doing the things that we are called to do. Time is so short. Jesus is coming back and He is coming back soon. The bible says no man knows the time or the day but, he did leave us signs of the times. And people we are in those times right now.
If you don't know Jesus then please let me tell you what he has done for me and you. (Romans 3:23) says* For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God*. (Romans 6:23) says that * the wages of sin is death*Therefore we all deserve to die for our sins but, Jesus loved you and I so much that he shed his blood on the cross to take our punishment. So that you and I can stand before God on judgment day without sin because we have been made clean through Jesus' blood shed just for us. And The only thing Jesus ask for in return is that we believe on him and invite him into our lives. Can you take that important step today before it's to late? there is no more time to waste thinking about it, the time is now.
I hope to be able to call you my brothers and sisters in Christ real soon. God loves you and so do I. My prayers are with you.Gods blessings be with you. If any of this written word has reached your heart and you want to ask Jesus to come into your life, here is a simple prayer that you may use.
Dear Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner and know that the penalty for my sins is death. But, I come before you now and ask for your forgiveness of my sins and ask that you come into my heart and life today . I ask that you teach me your ways that I may spend my days living for you. In Jesus name , Amen!
Words of encouragement, information and inspiration. GodspeaksIwrite. is writings that come from things I feel God leading me to share with you.
May 31, 2011
May 30, 2011
There is no gray area !
In Revelations 3:16 Jesus says that if you are lukewarm he will spit you out. There are so many *christians* today but, very few are ALL for Jesus. So many Of these christians go to church on Sundays and they pray at meals and some even take the time to read their bible. But, they are not sold out for Christ. They don't live that way the rest of the week or they do all this for show. Jesus said * choose you this day whom you will serve* (Joshua 24:15)
Jesus gave his all upon the cross for us and he desires our all for him. In (Romans 12: 2) it says *And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.* Notice that is says that you are to be transformed by the renewing of your mind? you can't do that, you can't be transformed , you can't renew your mind, if you have on foot in the world and with Christ with the other,you have to give you all to Christ.
So many churches are there for the reading of the bible and a few songs and then go back to your lives God will meet you here again next Sunday morning but, that not what God wants. He wants to fill his temple with his presence and glory and you and I are his temple. But, he can't do that if the temple is full of all this other stuff. We are so wrapped up in the things of this world that we are crowding out our creator , putting him on a side burner for when we need something from him.
Get it together people there is no gray area. God's glory is coming , His power and anointing are going to fill this earth and I for one don't want to be on the outside looking in. I want to be consumed by his glory, I want to be in his presence. I don't want to hear him say * depart from me I never knew you* Do you?
Get into the word, get into his presence through pray and supplication. Cry out to him for mercy and forgiveness and then choose to live with Christ as the Lord of your life , not you or the world. Because time is running out and soon the choice will be made for you by your actions and your deeds.
Jesus gave his all upon the cross for us and he desires our all for him. In (Romans 12: 2) it says *And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.* Notice that is says that you are to be transformed by the renewing of your mind? you can't do that, you can't be transformed , you can't renew your mind, if you have on foot in the world and with Christ with the other,you have to give you all to Christ.
So many churches are there for the reading of the bible and a few songs and then go back to your lives God will meet you here again next Sunday morning but, that not what God wants. He wants to fill his temple with his presence and glory and you and I are his temple. But, he can't do that if the temple is full of all this other stuff. We are so wrapped up in the things of this world that we are crowding out our creator , putting him on a side burner for when we need something from him.
Get it together people there is no gray area. God's glory is coming , His power and anointing are going to fill this earth and I for one don't want to be on the outside looking in. I want to be consumed by his glory, I want to be in his presence. I don't want to hear him say * depart from me I never knew you* Do you?
Get into the word, get into his presence through pray and supplication. Cry out to him for mercy and forgiveness and then choose to live with Christ as the Lord of your life , not you or the world. Because time is running out and soon the choice will be made for you by your actions and your deeds.
May 29, 2011
The Lion, The Lamb and The Savior !
C.s. Lewis has written the lion, the witch and the wardrobe as fiction but, in real life we have the The lion, the Lamb and the Savior.
The bible tells us that the devil roams around like a roaring lion looking for whom he may devour.(1 Peter 5:8 ) He's not roaming around like a little kitten , he is going about like a lion. Satan knows his time is short therefore he is doing all he can , pulling out all the tricks in his toolbox.Even to the point of fooling the elect (Matthew 24:24 ). Be careful brothers and sisters , He will use people we know and trust to try and draw us down with him to his end. We have to be on guard and seeking God's wisdom and discernment at all times to protect ourselves. And that is where the Lamb comes in.
The Lamb was slaughtered for our sins that we may be saved from our judgment. He sacrificed himself , perfect and with out blemish, to pay the debt we owed. That we may live with Him for eternity. In biblical times, when they were still under the law, a perfect lamb was required , without a blemish, to atone for the sins of the people. Jesus became that Lamb to be sacrificed for ALL sins so as to fulfill the law. Now because of him we are no longer under the law. The Lamb of God is the only one worthy enough to become the savior of the world.
Throughout the four gospels it tells us that Jesus was born to be the Savior of the world. *Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people: for there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.* (Luke 2:10&11). and in (Matthew 1) *Thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins* and again in (John 4:42) *Now we believe, not because of thy speaking: for we have heard for ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.* Throughout the New Testament Jesus is called the Savior 24 times.
So next time you go to watch or read C.s.Lewis' version think on this version and consider just How much God loves us that He has given us His son that we can depend on to lead us and guide us so that we may not be devoured by Satan . And If you are reading this and don't know Christ as your Savior now is the time. Don't let Satan have any more ground in your life . Ask Jesus to become your Savior as well. Make sure that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that when your time comes to stand before the throne of judgment that you have Jesus to stand there in your place.
The bible tells us that the devil roams around like a roaring lion looking for whom he may devour.(1 Peter 5:8 ) He's not roaming around like a little kitten , he is going about like a lion. Satan knows his time is short therefore he is doing all he can , pulling out all the tricks in his toolbox.Even to the point of fooling the elect (Matthew 24:24 ). Be careful brothers and sisters , He will use people we know and trust to try and draw us down with him to his end. We have to be on guard and seeking God's wisdom and discernment at all times to protect ourselves. And that is where the Lamb comes in.
The Lamb was slaughtered for our sins that we may be saved from our judgment. He sacrificed himself , perfect and with out blemish, to pay the debt we owed. That we may live with Him for eternity. In biblical times, when they were still under the law, a perfect lamb was required , without a blemish, to atone for the sins of the people. Jesus became that Lamb to be sacrificed for ALL sins so as to fulfill the law. Now because of him we are no longer under the law. The Lamb of God is the only one worthy enough to become the savior of the world.
Throughout the four gospels it tells us that Jesus was born to be the Savior of the world. *Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people: for there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.* (Luke 2:10&11). and in (Matthew 1) *Thou shalt call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins* and again in (John 4:42) *Now we believe, not because of thy speaking: for we have heard for ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.* Throughout the New Testament Jesus is called the Savior 24 times.
So next time you go to watch or read C.s.Lewis' version think on this version and consider just How much God loves us that He has given us His son that we can depend on to lead us and guide us so that we may not be devoured by Satan . And If you are reading this and don't know Christ as your Savior now is the time. Don't let Satan have any more ground in your life . Ask Jesus to become your Savior as well. Make sure that you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that when your time comes to stand before the throne of judgment that you have Jesus to stand there in your place.
May 27, 2011
The 23rd Psalm as I see it!!!
The Lord is my teacher ,
In him I want for nothing
My soul is content and happy as he takes me to rest
by the fountain of living waters and my strength is renewed
as He leads me into righteousness making sure that I am on the right path.
Even though I must walk through some unpleasant or severe trials
I know I will make it through them because you are with me and give me comfort.
In the midst of my enemies you have invited me to drink of your love
and anointed me with the Holy Spirit and given me the cup of salvation to
drink from which will never run dry.
Without a doubt goodness and mercy will be with me throughout my entire life
and I will spend the rest of eternity in heaven with my Lord !
In him I want for nothing
My soul is content and happy as he takes me to rest
by the fountain of living waters and my strength is renewed
as He leads me into righteousness making sure that I am on the right path.
Even though I must walk through some unpleasant or severe trials
I know I will make it through them because you are with me and give me comfort.
In the midst of my enemies you have invited me to drink of your love
and anointed me with the Holy Spirit and given me the cup of salvation to
drink from which will never run dry.
Without a doubt goodness and mercy will be with me throughout my entire life
and I will spend the rest of eternity in heaven with my Lord !
May 26, 2011
Are you a Sheep or a Goat?
Matthew 25:31-46
The Sheep and the Goats
31“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. 32All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
34“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’
41“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
44“They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
45“He will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'
46“Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
did not do for me.’
This message is brought about because of the devastation of the tornado victims. We are an extension of the arms of Jesus, therefore we should be helping the poor and homeless and needy as Christ's has done.
I think many times , oh I need this or I need that but, are our needs really needs or wants?I look around and I think; I have a roof over my head, many don't; I have clothes to wear, many don't; I have food to eat, many don't; when I am sick many will think of me and pray for me and visit me, many will never get even one visitor while sick or in the hospital. I have all that I need, many don't.
People God has call us to help those in need, to show compassion and love as He would. Because of a bottle of water or a sandwich or even a visit to the sick or injured your act may very well be the one thing that bring a lost soul into the salvation of the Lord. But, our lack of compassion may cause one to spend eternity in hell because we didn't bring Christ to them.
Some will even say I have no money to give, I can't go visit I don't have the spare time. But, in my thoughts, if I have more than one shirt then I have one to give, if I have time to watch a tv program or go shopping I have time to make a visit. Christ took care of my needs so who am I not to pass it on to one who is in need. Christ makes time for me, can I not spare even one hour for someone else? Those are my thoughts but we all have to answer to God on our own accord.
I don't know about you but, I for one do not want to face God on judgment day and have him say to me, I was hungry and you didn't feed me etc. depart from me you who are cursed.
The Sheep and the Goats
31“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. 32All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
34“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’
41“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
44“They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
45“He will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'
46“Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
did not do for me.’
This message is brought about because of the devastation of the tornado victims. We are an extension of the arms of Jesus, therefore we should be helping the poor and homeless and needy as Christ's has done.
I think many times , oh I need this or I need that but, are our needs really needs or wants?I look around and I think; I have a roof over my head, many don't; I have clothes to wear, many don't; I have food to eat, many don't; when I am sick many will think of me and pray for me and visit me, many will never get even one visitor while sick or in the hospital. I have all that I need, many don't.
People God has call us to help those in need, to show compassion and love as He would. Because of a bottle of water or a sandwich or even a visit to the sick or injured your act may very well be the one thing that bring a lost soul into the salvation of the Lord. But, our lack of compassion may cause one to spend eternity in hell because we didn't bring Christ to them.
Some will even say I have no money to give, I can't go visit I don't have the spare time. But, in my thoughts, if I have more than one shirt then I have one to give, if I have time to watch a tv program or go shopping I have time to make a visit. Christ took care of my needs so who am I not to pass it on to one who is in need. Christ makes time for me, can I not spare even one hour for someone else? Those are my thoughts but we all have to answer to God on our own accord.
I don't know about you but, I for one do not want to face God on judgment day and have him say to me, I was hungry and you didn't feed me etc. depart from me you who are cursed.
May 25, 2011
The Power of Praise is for Now!
Until recently when I heard about praise and worship i thought it was when the choir sang. We can not remain babies forever, we need to progress and learn new depths of God. Many churches don't teach about praise and worship and some even think it was for times past. The Power of praise and worship are for right now.
It amazes me how some are comfortable letting the Pastor carry the weight of the church by himself, leaving the praying up to him. More so I am astonished to find so many people who come to church expecting to be ministered to and blessed without any participation on their part.
When you say that you love God , how deep is that love really? Are they empty words or are they meant with every fiber of your being? As you spend your life with your loved ones do you expect someone else to tell them that you love them? Do you expect them to just know it? Or do you tell them and show them with all you are? God wants the same from us, He wants us to praise him, He wants to hear and see the depths of our love for him, He wants to be worshiped and adored. He loves us so much he gave his life for us, how much do you love him?
Recently I learned that praise and worship isn't just the singers singing but a depth of my telling Him how much I adore him and how blessed I feel that he loves me so much , and worshiping him with ALL of my love. In learning that depth of praise I also learned that praise and worship is cooperate but, it is also necessary to be individually. You have to go to God yourself, you have to read and study his word for yourself, you have to seek him out for yourself.
And when you go into the presence of God there is such a power in your praises. Jesus loves to hear our praises, He loves for us to worship him, and when we do He moves mightily. In Jeremiah 29:13 and 14 it says that * if you seek me with your whole heart you SHALL find me*
The power of Praise isn't in the past it's for here and now!
It amazes me how some are comfortable letting the Pastor carry the weight of the church by himself, leaving the praying up to him. More so I am astonished to find so many people who come to church expecting to be ministered to and blessed without any participation on their part.
When you say that you love God , how deep is that love really? Are they empty words or are they meant with every fiber of your being? As you spend your life with your loved ones do you expect someone else to tell them that you love them? Do you expect them to just know it? Or do you tell them and show them with all you are? God wants the same from us, He wants us to praise him, He wants to hear and see the depths of our love for him, He wants to be worshiped and adored. He loves us so much he gave his life for us, how much do you love him?
Recently I learned that praise and worship isn't just the singers singing but a depth of my telling Him how much I adore him and how blessed I feel that he loves me so much , and worshiping him with ALL of my love. In learning that depth of praise I also learned that praise and worship is cooperate but, it is also necessary to be individually. You have to go to God yourself, you have to read and study his word for yourself, you have to seek him out for yourself.
And when you go into the presence of God there is such a power in your praises. Jesus loves to hear our praises, He loves for us to worship him, and when we do He moves mightily. In Jeremiah 29:13 and 14 it says that * if you seek me with your whole heart you SHALL find me*
The power of Praise isn't in the past it's for here and now!
May 23, 2011
Jesus IS coming back soon
Just as the song says* Jesus is coming , people get ready, soon we'll be going home.
The Bible tells us that Jesus will come back to claim his bride the church. But, even though the news has been full of claims that he will be hear on such and such a date and hour. The bible also states no man knoweth the day or the hour no even Jesus. Therefore we should remain prepared at all times but, we should cease to fulfill our commission given by God but, we should put it into over drive so that none should perish without having the opportunity to have received the Lord into their hearts and be saved.
God has given us the great commission to witness and lead others to salvation. So we need to pick up our commission and get busy getting it done, Instead of all the excuses we tend to use. Someone else will reach them, let someone else talk to them, I'm not a preacher i don't have the knowledge to go talk to someone. that's for the olden times, Jesus will be back on this such date therefore I need to worry about getting me and my family ready not worrying about some one else.
Come on people those are sorry and worthless excuses. Jesus said until his return we need to be leading others to know him.So let's get busy doing so , let's get caught at that hour bringing in souls for the kingdom.
The Bible tells us that Jesus will come back to claim his bride the church. But, even though the news has been full of claims that he will be hear on such and such a date and hour. The bible also states no man knoweth the day or the hour no even Jesus. Therefore we should remain prepared at all times but, we should cease to fulfill our commission given by God but, we should put it into over drive so that none should perish without having the opportunity to have received the Lord into their hearts and be saved.
God has given us the great commission to witness and lead others to salvation. So we need to pick up our commission and get busy getting it done, Instead of all the excuses we tend to use. Someone else will reach them, let someone else talk to them, I'm not a preacher i don't have the knowledge to go talk to someone. that's for the olden times, Jesus will be back on this such date therefore I need to worry about getting me and my family ready not worrying about some one else.
Come on people those are sorry and worthless excuses. Jesus said until his return we need to be leading others to know him.So let's get busy doing so , let's get caught at that hour bringing in souls for the kingdom.
May 22, 2011
Our God Reigns Here!!!
After this morning visitation with the Lord, I went to the car and this song came on and if you haven't heard it you really must, it's the last song on the video bar @ the bottom of this page.
Added to this mornings awesome time with the Lord this song really touched my heart and I felt The need to share my thoughts about the meaning of those words.
God reigns here> here is the meaning of reigns as per Webster's dictionary.
: royal authority : sovereignty b : the dominion, sway, or influence of one resembling a monarch>
God has dominion, royal authority and all influence here.
Is God reigning in your life? Is he reigning over your spirit and your mind? What about your job or your home or your finances, or your body or your wants and needs?
Isn't it about time you gave up control and let God reign?
God's yoke is easy, it's not made to weigh you down , it's meant to lift you up in Jesus' name. it's meant to guide you and instruct you and carry you into the path of righteousness.
Why keep carrying the world's yoke? So heavy with burdens and pain. At times even so heavy you can't carry it.
So why not let God reign in your life?
Added to this mornings awesome time with the Lord this song really touched my heart and I felt The need to share my thoughts about the meaning of those words.
God reigns here> here is the meaning of reigns as per Webster's dictionary.
: royal authority : sovereignty b : the dominion, sway, or influence of one resembling a monarch>
God has dominion, royal authority and all influence here.
Is God reigning in your life? Is he reigning over your spirit and your mind? What about your job or your home or your finances, or your body or your wants and needs?
Isn't it about time you gave up control and let God reign?
God's yoke is easy, it's not made to weigh you down , it's meant to lift you up in Jesus' name. it's meant to guide you and instruct you and carry you into the path of righteousness.
Why keep carrying the world's yoke? So heavy with burdens and pain. At times even so heavy you can't carry it.
So why not let God reign in your life?
May 21, 2011
I VOW!!!!!
The meaning of a vow is: : a solemn promise or assertion; specifically : one by which a person is bound to an act, service, or condition (Websters Dictionary)
When we make a vow a declaration of a solem oath we bind ourselves to an act that we are committed to. We need to be very careful of the vows we make, thinking long and hard before we make them but, most especially the vows we make to God.
Many times we make vows in the desperation of a moment and then forget or just never fulfill our part of the vow. Such as: a person with a loved one in the hospital near death, we make a vow to God, if you will just save their life, or if you will only heal them I promise to do such and such. But, most of the time, once God has fulfilled his side of the vow we go on with our lives and forget the vow. But, God doesn't forget it and he's still waiting for us to hold up our end.
Another form of a vow is such as: a marriage vow. When you wed you make a vow to another person promising your love and your life to them as they do to you. In todays society those vows are being broken easier and easier and for the very minutest of reasons. When we get married we vow to be committed to that one person only , or we vow to love them in sickness or in health. But, we see a lot of mariages breaking up now a days because, either one or all the vows made were broken.
As said by Copastor Brenda Mcclintock last night:
When we became a christian , when we gave our hearts and our lives to God it was a vow to God to be his and only his; in essence, *when we said yes to Jesus we said no to all other offers*.
So why do we go back and forth or even yet sometimes we just totally break our vow to Jesus and walk away for what at the time appears to be more interesting or more fun? But, Jesus hasn't walked away, he is still waiting there for us to come back and honor our vow to him. We made a vow therefore we are still committed to fulfill that vow. Will we renig on our vow to Jesus or will be keep our vow?
Be very sure when you make a vow, because it is a very deep and binding commitment.
When we make a vow a declaration of a solem oath we bind ourselves to an act that we are committed to. We need to be very careful of the vows we make, thinking long and hard before we make them but, most especially the vows we make to God.
Many times we make vows in the desperation of a moment and then forget or just never fulfill our part of the vow. Such as: a person with a loved one in the hospital near death, we make a vow to God, if you will just save their life, or if you will only heal them I promise to do such and such. But, most of the time, once God has fulfilled his side of the vow we go on with our lives and forget the vow. But, God doesn't forget it and he's still waiting for us to hold up our end.
Another form of a vow is such as: a marriage vow. When you wed you make a vow to another person promising your love and your life to them as they do to you. In todays society those vows are being broken easier and easier and for the very minutest of reasons. When we get married we vow to be committed to that one person only , or we vow to love them in sickness or in health. But, we see a lot of mariages breaking up now a days because, either one or all the vows made were broken.
As said by Copastor Brenda Mcclintock last night:
When we became a christian , when we gave our hearts and our lives to God it was a vow to God to be his and only his; in essence, *when we said yes to Jesus we said no to all other offers*.
So why do we go back and forth or even yet sometimes we just totally break our vow to Jesus and walk away for what at the time appears to be more interesting or more fun? But, Jesus hasn't walked away, he is still waiting there for us to come back and honor our vow to him. We made a vow therefore we are still committed to fulfill that vow. Will we renig on our vow to Jesus or will be keep our vow?
Be very sure when you make a vow, because it is a very deep and binding commitment.
May 18, 2011
God's People; It's Time
It is time for God's people to stand up and say enough is enough. Stand up people and don't let up. It is time to take back what satan has stolen from us. It's time to take back our lives and our joy and our peace It's time to take back our health and our wealth . It's time to take back our familys and our homes and our nation.
God has not given us the spirit of fear but, of boldness and power over the enemy. God has sent us forth to take back what was stolen from us.God doesn't tell us to be passive and make friends with the enemy He calls us to recover what was lost and to defeat the enemy. He knows what his end will be we are called to remind him of it and not stand by idly while he takes whats ours with him.
God says to go forth and conquer not make bargains, but to conquer. I for one have had enough and I am calling satan to account for all that he has stolen from me and I intend to get it all back, not some of it, All of it. Have you had enough ? Are you ready to stand up and take what's yours back? It's time God's people ;It is time!!!!
God has not given us the spirit of fear but, of boldness and power over the enemy. God has sent us forth to take back what was stolen from us.God doesn't tell us to be passive and make friends with the enemy He calls us to recover what was lost and to defeat the enemy. He knows what his end will be we are called to remind him of it and not stand by idly while he takes whats ours with him.
God says to go forth and conquer not make bargains, but to conquer. I for one have had enough and I am calling satan to account for all that he has stolen from me and I intend to get it all back, not some of it, All of it. Have you had enough ? Are you ready to stand up and take what's yours back? It's time God's people ;It is time!!!!
Because He Lives!!!
Imagine if the was no God, no hope, no eternity, no reason for right and wrong. what a horrible life that would be. A world with no hope and no right and wrong would be a life off confusion.
A life without any reason to go on. The evil that would roam free would be so much greater than we face now. We would be facing hell on earth with only the hope that when we die everything ceases to exist.
Without God we would have no reason for love. We would have no example of love. Parents wouldn't care for their kids and kids wouldn't care for their parents. Hatred and murder would run rampant over the earth.
But, because he lives, we have a reason to hope. We have a knowledge of right and wrong. We have a reason to go on with life. We have an example of love and how to love. And we have a purpose for our lives.
That song because He lives means so much.
Because He lives I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives all fear is gone,
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living just because He lives.
Because He lives I don't have to imagine what life would be without him.
A life without any reason to go on. The evil that would roam free would be so much greater than we face now. We would be facing hell on earth with only the hope that when we die everything ceases to exist.
Without God we would have no reason for love. We would have no example of love. Parents wouldn't care for their kids and kids wouldn't care for their parents. Hatred and murder would run rampant over the earth.
But, because he lives, we have a reason to hope. We have a knowledge of right and wrong. We have a reason to go on with life. We have an example of love and how to love. And we have a purpose for our lives.
That song because He lives means so much.
Because He lives I can face tomorrow,
Because He lives all fear is gone,
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living just because He lives.
Because He lives I don't have to imagine what life would be without him.
May 17, 2011
From birth to beyond! Teach me Lord!
This blog is going to be different than my usual. This blog is sharing a bit of me and my journey.
From the time I was born I was brought up in the church. When I was young enough to live at home,we went to church every time the doors were open. I learned a lot as a child but, as a youth and young adult church became more of a place to meet my friends than a place to learn. Still some of the teaching sunk in.
Where the bible says *train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it* I am an example of it. I strayed, I backslid, I used the teachings for my own benefit. But, as I grew up God got a hold of me and I came back to the things I had been taught as a child. I came back to God.
Since then , it has been a huge learning experience for me. And the more I learned the more I wanted to know. You can read the bible and then feel like you've read a good book.
God has given me the desire in my heart to not just read the word but, to learn the word, study the word, dig through the word and find the meaning of what God's saying to me.
Now at this point of my life God has brought me to a place in my life where I want more of him and to know more of him. He has brought me to a wonderful church where the teaching is right at the level I need it, where the leadership is open to being asked questions and taking the time to explain the meaning(not that other churches didn't but, that I wasn't at the point in my life to ask).
I have a feeling that God is doing something big in my life and it's about to be birthed forward. Because from a child till now and beyond he has never given up on me but, has brought me through and has continued to develop me. And God isn't through with me yet. As I learn from God , I find that it only makes me crave more from Him and I believe He will continue taking me forward until the day he takes me home.
My advise to anyone is If you truly want to know God ...... get hungry; really hungry, and then yield to the almighty teaching Of God.
From the time I was born I was brought up in the church. When I was young enough to live at home,we went to church every time the doors were open. I learned a lot as a child but, as a youth and young adult church became more of a place to meet my friends than a place to learn. Still some of the teaching sunk in.
Where the bible says *train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not depart from it* I am an example of it. I strayed, I backslid, I used the teachings for my own benefit. But, as I grew up God got a hold of me and I came back to the things I had been taught as a child. I came back to God.
Since then , it has been a huge learning experience for me. And the more I learned the more I wanted to know. You can read the bible and then feel like you've read a good book.
God has given me the desire in my heart to not just read the word but, to learn the word, study the word, dig through the word and find the meaning of what God's saying to me.
Now at this point of my life God has brought me to a place in my life where I want more of him and to know more of him. He has brought me to a wonderful church where the teaching is right at the level I need it, where the leadership is open to being asked questions and taking the time to explain the meaning(not that other churches didn't but, that I wasn't at the point in my life to ask).
I have a feeling that God is doing something big in my life and it's about to be birthed forward. Because from a child till now and beyond he has never given up on me but, has brought me through and has continued to develop me. And God isn't through with me yet. As I learn from God , I find that it only makes me crave more from Him and I believe He will continue taking me forward until the day he takes me home.
My advise to anyone is If you truly want to know God ...... get hungry; really hungry, and then yield to the almighty teaching Of God.
May 16, 2011
Lord help me to always be teachable!
Today , i want to put my thoughts down about being teachable( my own experiences). I have found that as long as I remain teachable God teaches me something new each day. But, I have also learned that If i get to acting like a know it all and make myself unteachable that I am stepping away from God a bit and need to take a step back and repent and humble myself before the Lord and ask him to teach me again. I feel that if you have nothing more to learn that it's time to either be with the Lord or take a thorough check up on your life because there are things you think you know that you really don't. Be open hearted and pliable so that the potter can mold you his way.
I have been in and out of church(mostly in but, there have been times that I did backslide) for almost 50 years now and am still learning that things I thought I knew I really didn't. Such as: last night at church Pastor Don preached on the 8 ways to praise God. Truly I can tell you I have never heard this before. I have read about praise many times and what I thought to be praise is only the beginning . I thought that if you pray with arms stretched out to him and speaking words of love to my Lord it was praising Him.
That was only a small fraction of what praise really is and as you add each of the other types of praise to your worship , you go deeper and deeper into the courts of God. Amazing... I want to touch God with my praises.
Each day as I write these blogs God teaches me something new that I never knew the way He is showing them to me. It's amazing that you can read your bible and think you understand it but, then if you read allowing God to open your eyes and teach you ; you go so much deeper in your journey towards a closer walk with him.
I have been in and out of church(mostly in but, there have been times that I did backslide) for almost 50 years now and am still learning that things I thought I knew I really didn't. Such as: last night at church Pastor Don preached on the 8 ways to praise God. Truly I can tell you I have never heard this before. I have read about praise many times and what I thought to be praise is only the beginning . I thought that if you pray with arms stretched out to him and speaking words of love to my Lord it was praising Him.
That was only a small fraction of what praise really is and as you add each of the other types of praise to your worship , you go deeper and deeper into the courts of God. Amazing... I want to touch God with my praises.
Each day as I write these blogs God teaches me something new that I never knew the way He is showing them to me. It's amazing that you can read your bible and think you understand it but, then if you read allowing God to open your eyes and teach you ; you go so much deeper in your journey towards a closer walk with him.
May 15, 2011
Going to church
what does going to church mean to you?
some go to church for tradition, some go for ritual,
others go to church because it's the place to be seen,
some go to church to meet God;and then some go
to church for reasons very much like mine.
for me: yes I was raised that you need to be in
church whenever the doors are open. but no, that is not
the reasons that I have for going. No I don't go to meet
God because God is ALWAYS with me. But, my reasons are as
I go to church for a refreshing of my spirit, I go for the
preaching or teaching. Much like going to school, you can
read it for yourself but, to gain others insight on things
of the Bible broadens your prospective.
I also go to church for corporate worship, I spend time every
day in worship but, there is just something special about
coperate worship. but, yes, I also go for the assembling of
other believers. Getting together with other believers some
how ministers to your soul. And God says in his word* forsake
not the assembling of believers*Hebrews 10:25
so dear friends what are your reasons for going or not going
to church? Do we need to rethink the motives of going to church?
Do we need to look toward receiving more out of our experiences of going to church?
some go to church for tradition, some go for ritual,
others go to church because it's the place to be seen,
some go to church to meet God;and then some go
to church for reasons very much like mine.
for me: yes I was raised that you need to be in
church whenever the doors are open. but no, that is not
the reasons that I have for going. No I don't go to meet
God because God is ALWAYS with me. But, my reasons are as
I go to church for a refreshing of my spirit, I go for the
preaching or teaching. Much like going to school, you can
read it for yourself but, to gain others insight on things
of the Bible broadens your prospective.
I also go to church for corporate worship, I spend time every
day in worship but, there is just something special about
coperate worship. but, yes, I also go for the assembling of
other believers. Getting together with other believers some
how ministers to your soul. And God says in his word* forsake
not the assembling of believers*Hebrews 10:25
so dear friends what are your reasons for going or not going
to church? Do we need to rethink the motives of going to church?
Do we need to look toward receiving more out of our experiences of going to church?
May 13, 2011
While looking at an ad on craigslist this morning I found an ad that said *It's all free* It made me stop and think about salvation. It's all free.
There is nothing we can do to earn salvation. We can't purchase it. We can save ourselves. We don't deserve salvation. But, Jesus paid it all so that we can have salvation and eternal life.
We deserve eternal damnation but, because of Jesus taking our sins upon the cross. Because of Jesus being beaten and mocked and a crown of thorns placed upon his head and suffering and dieing for us; it's all free to us.
Because of Jesus taking our place, and paying our price, we have salvation and eternal life. We have the right to go before the throne of God with our pleas. We can count ourselves as royalty as children of God. It's all free; all we have to do is accept it and let Jesus into our hearts.
Can you imagine the kind of love that he has for us that he shed his own blood to lift the curse of sin and death off of us for all eternity. Wow, it's so big it's hard to picture. but, yes folks he loves us that much.
So next time you see a sign that says it's all free stop and think of the real meaning of those words.
There is nothing we can do to earn salvation. We can't purchase it. We can save ourselves. We don't deserve salvation. But, Jesus paid it all so that we can have salvation and eternal life.
We deserve eternal damnation but, because of Jesus taking our sins upon the cross. Because of Jesus being beaten and mocked and a crown of thorns placed upon his head and suffering and dieing for us; it's all free to us.
Because of Jesus taking our place, and paying our price, we have salvation and eternal life. We have the right to go before the throne of God with our pleas. We can count ourselves as royalty as children of God. It's all free; all we have to do is accept it and let Jesus into our hearts.
Can you imagine the kind of love that he has for us that he shed his own blood to lift the curse of sin and death off of us for all eternity. Wow, it's so big it's hard to picture. but, yes folks he loves us that much.
So next time you see a sign that says it's all free stop and think of the real meaning of those words.
May 12, 2011
All hail the POWER of Jesus' name!!!!
There is power in the name of Jesus!
All throughout the Bible we see the power of Jesus' name. Just stop for a minute and just say the name of Jesus. Feel the power within that one name.
When we use the name of Jesus , he goes before God for us, interceding on our behalf. Because of the name of Jesus we can go boldly before the throne of God.
Through the name of Jesus we have power over demons. Not by our name but, through the name of Jesus. His name is so powerful that demons tremble and flee. Through the name of Jesus the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Sickness and death have no power over us in the name of Jesus.
Jesus said he gave power through his name. John 14: 12-14 says:
I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done; and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. You can ask for anything in my name; and I will do it , so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. Yes, ask me for anything in my name; and I will do it.
Notice that Jesus did not say *I will help you do it* he said *I will do it*. I don't believe this was meant as a prayer jeanie to get whatever we want for personal gain because it says *so that the Son can bring glory to the Father*. Therefore I believe it is meant that what we ask in Jesus' name needs to bring glory to God,not for meaningless selfish gain.
Jesus also says *anyone who believes*. The example I see of this is when we go to Jesus and ask us to heal us and when we don't see it we don't believe that he is answering our request. But, I believe it means believing even when we don't see it then it shall be done. Imagine the works that we christians could be doing for the Father if we truly believed when we asked it of Jesus.
All hail the POWER of Jesus' name!!!!!
All throughout the Bible we see the power of Jesus' name. Just stop for a minute and just say the name of Jesus. Feel the power within that one name.
When we use the name of Jesus , he goes before God for us, interceding on our behalf. Because of the name of Jesus we can go boldly before the throne of God.
Through the name of Jesus we have power over demons. Not by our name but, through the name of Jesus. His name is so powerful that demons tremble and flee. Through the name of Jesus the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Sickness and death have no power over us in the name of Jesus.
Jesus said he gave power through his name. John 14: 12-14 says:
I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done; and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. You can ask for anything in my name; and I will do it , so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. Yes, ask me for anything in my name; and I will do it.
Notice that Jesus did not say *I will help you do it* he said *I will do it*. I don't believe this was meant as a prayer jeanie to get whatever we want for personal gain because it says *so that the Son can bring glory to the Father*. Therefore I believe it is meant that what we ask in Jesus' name needs to bring glory to God,not for meaningless selfish gain.
Jesus also says *anyone who believes*. The example I see of this is when we go to Jesus and ask us to heal us and when we don't see it we don't believe that he is answering our request. But, I believe it means believing even when we don't see it then it shall be done. Imagine the works that we christians could be doing for the Father if we truly believed when we asked it of Jesus.
All hail the POWER of Jesus' name!!!!!
May 10, 2011
Are we walking like a child in Christ?
Scriptures teach us that we should become like a child in our christian walk. So exactly how are we to do that as adults?
Well let's look at children and their nature first and let's explore some of the things that God would want us to mimic in our own lives..
Let's start with babies; babies are brand new , we need to become brand new in Christ. Well how do we do that you ask? We first need to acknowledge that without Christ in our lives we are sinners and we need to be reborn into the Kingdom Of God. How can we be reborn? When you die to sin, you become brand new in Christ.(Romans6:1) We need to humble ourselves before God and acknowledge we are sinners and ask God for forgiveness and ask God to come into our hearts to live forever after.
Babies are also very trusting. We need to God our father as a baby would it's parents. We need to let go of fear and doubt and adopt a child-like faith in God.(Proverbs 3:5) When children are hurt , hungry, scared or lost they cry out to their parents because they trust them to take care of them and keep them safe. We as children of God need to cry out to God with our needs, believing that he our Father will hear and answer us.(Psalms 40:1)
Children love to explore and learn. We need to ask God to put the hunger in our hearts to learn more and more from him and about him We need to become explorative searching for the answers that his word has for us. We need to become inquisitive like children; inquiring of God his will for our daily lives and our futures.(Luke 11:9)
God is directing us to become like a child (Luke 18:17) therefore we need to take the time to watch, listen and learn when he gives us instruction, that we may be obedient to his word. There are times when children need to be scolded and disciplined and often times we as new Christian will find ourselves need the same from God but, rest assured he will always do so in love.A father that loves his children chastens them (Hebrews 12:6-11 and Job 5:17)
Have you ever watched a child learn to walk or talk? They fail many times but, they don't give up they keep trying until they are successful. We should be the same in our lives. We weren't born knowing how to live our lives in Christ so we may fail over and over but, if we don't give up we also will succeed.
I am always amazed at the boldness of a child and find that that is one of the qualities that the Lord will teach me to put aside the fear and have more boldness for him. Children also are very trusting and don't know doubt. I have watched and listened to many children pray believing that what God said he would do he WILL do. God wants us to have that kind of faith in him and trust believing that what he says he will do he Will do.
Don't forget that children eventually grow up , the finally do learn to walk and talk and so should we. But, that is for yet another blog to come.
As for me, I pray daily that I have the faith of a child before my father God!
May 9, 2011
Praise God even in the midst of things
Often we say Praise Him or Thank God but, there is no true feeling or meaning behind it.
Praise God even when it seems like what is going on in your life is evil or just not of God.
Helen Keller said* I thank God for my handicaps, For thru them I have found myself, my work and my God.*
Even though we don't understand why something is happening to us or what we did to cause something to happen. Or another of our thoughts is * I try to be such a good person and do everything as honest and faithful as possible so why are these things happening to me.* Instead of trying to understand you situation just understand that God knows all things and has a plan for your life.
Perhaps his plan is to heal you or deliver you or rescue you or perhaps he plans on using your situation to further your ministry, to strengthen you,etc. Trust God always , always give him praise no matter the circumstance, praise him for your situation because in praising him you are realizing that maybe you don't see it right now but, God is using you situation for a greater purpose.
Consider how much Christ would have liked God to remove the cross from his life but,he praised God for it and in the end God's whole plan and purpose for allowing Jesus to suffer and die on the cross was for the salvation of the world. For you and me so that we don't have to die for our sins.
So the next time you go to God and ask him to take away a sickness or fix a problem or supply a need, consider praising him for your situation knowing that in all things He will work it out for a better purpose.
We can not make a list of things we want or need and then decide to praise him , as if saying I'll praise you God because I want you to do such and such. we must praise him in the midst of our situation or needs and thank him for where we are now. God is not a jeanie where we can make wishes and he has to provide them. He is our creator , therefore he has the perfect plan for our lives.
As Merlin R. Carothers says * God has a perfect plan for our lives but, he can not move us to the next step until we joyfully accept our present situation as part of that plan. What happens next is God's move not ours.*
So in conclusion I suggest that we take our eyes of of our present situation and put our eyes back on God. The author and finisher of our lives.
Praise him , give thanks to him, Praise him again and again!
Praise God even when it seems like what is going on in your life is evil or just not of God.
Helen Keller said* I thank God for my handicaps, For thru them I have found myself, my work and my God.*
Even though we don't understand why something is happening to us or what we did to cause something to happen. Or another of our thoughts is * I try to be such a good person and do everything as honest and faithful as possible so why are these things happening to me.* Instead of trying to understand you situation just understand that God knows all things and has a plan for your life.
Perhaps his plan is to heal you or deliver you or rescue you or perhaps he plans on using your situation to further your ministry, to strengthen you,etc. Trust God always , always give him praise no matter the circumstance, praise him for your situation because in praising him you are realizing that maybe you don't see it right now but, God is using you situation for a greater purpose.
Consider how much Christ would have liked God to remove the cross from his life but,he praised God for it and in the end God's whole plan and purpose for allowing Jesus to suffer and die on the cross was for the salvation of the world. For you and me so that we don't have to die for our sins.
So the next time you go to God and ask him to take away a sickness or fix a problem or supply a need, consider praising him for your situation knowing that in all things He will work it out for a better purpose.
We can not make a list of things we want or need and then decide to praise him , as if saying I'll praise you God because I want you to do such and such. we must praise him in the midst of our situation or needs and thank him for where we are now. God is not a jeanie where we can make wishes and he has to provide them. He is our creator , therefore he has the perfect plan for our lives.
As Merlin R. Carothers says * God has a perfect plan for our lives but, he can not move us to the next step until we joyfully accept our present situation as part of that plan. What happens next is God's move not ours.*
So in conclusion I suggest that we take our eyes of of our present situation and put our eyes back on God. The author and finisher of our lives.
Praise him , give thanks to him, Praise him again and again!
May 8, 2011
Imagine being Mother to Jesus!
Imagine being in Mary's place as mother to Jesus. What a hard life she had.
She brought up from what we read a very well behaved child but, from the beginning of his
life someone was always trying to kill him.And constantly having to keep one step ahead of
those people. Then at 12 he goes to the temple and they start home only to find they have
lost him. How terrifying that had to have been. And when they found him he corrected Them
for being worried. But, that was only the beginning of the worry and the sadness and sorrow.
Because He is to be the savior of the world.
Then he began his ministry. And I'm sure she traveled around following him. Wow what
feelings she must have experienced seeing her son doing miracles and healing people and
casting out demons. And how it must have broke her heart to hear how much her son was
hated for doing these things and even more so for teaching the things of God. She always
knew he belonged to God but, can you imagine how she must felt seeing how he was
treated. I can imagine my thoughts off having been told by the angel that I was blessed of all
women to be mother to the child of God; and how her feelings must have changed from
elation to questioning what she did wrong to deserve to suffer the way i am sure that she did
seeing the child she loved so much be hated so fiercely that they crucified him. Oh the
hysteria she must have experienced as they beat him and abused them and then killed him.
Personally I think I would have lost my mind being mother to Jesus. I don't think I could have
been as humble and quiet enough to just carry this in my heart as Mary did. But, imaging the
pride you would feel knowing your child was Jesus , the son of the most high God. Wow
what an honor.!
She brought up from what we read a very well behaved child but, from the beginning of his
life someone was always trying to kill him.And constantly having to keep one step ahead of
those people. Then at 12 he goes to the temple and they start home only to find they have
lost him. How terrifying that had to have been. And when they found him he corrected Them
for being worried. But, that was only the beginning of the worry and the sadness and sorrow.
Because He is to be the savior of the world.
Then he began his ministry. And I'm sure she traveled around following him. Wow what
feelings she must have experienced seeing her son doing miracles and healing people and
casting out demons. And how it must have broke her heart to hear how much her son was
hated for doing these things and even more so for teaching the things of God. She always
knew he belonged to God but, can you imagine how she must felt seeing how he was
treated. I can imagine my thoughts off having been told by the angel that I was blessed of all
women to be mother to the child of God; and how her feelings must have changed from
elation to questioning what she did wrong to deserve to suffer the way i am sure that she did
seeing the child she loved so much be hated so fiercely that they crucified him. Oh the
hysteria she must have experienced as they beat him and abused them and then killed him.
Personally I think I would have lost my mind being mother to Jesus. I don't think I could have
been as humble and quiet enough to just carry this in my heart as Mary did. But, imaging the
pride you would feel knowing your child was Jesus , the son of the most high God. Wow
what an honor.!
May 7, 2011
Consider the wisdom of the old
Job 12:12 says: Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?
I guess I have always had a heart for the elderly but, it really sticks out to me the wisdom I can gain from listening to them as they share about their life and life's lessons.
My mother told me that even as a child if I couldn't be found they knew I could be found talking with the older folks. As we are growing up we somehow think that the older folks don't know what they are talking about and that we are way smarter than them. but, If we are smart we will take time to listen to them because they have so much wisdom to impart into our lives. And we can benefit greatly from it.
I remember how much I used to complain about my Nana coming to visit because it always seemed she was picking on the way I was and acted, but, in truth she was only trying to spare me a life of heartache. But, as I got older I used to love to sit and listen to her stories and yes even her advise. And I used to love to spend time talking with my other grandma because whenever I needed advise or wisdom on something she was always available and willing to share it.
Even now I go to the older women of the church for nuggets of wisdom. They may have advanced in age but, they have gained a lot of knowledge and wisdom through those years and have earned our respect and honoring of them.
It saddens me to see the neglect that has been bestowed upon a lot of them. Just consider for a minute the elderly that cross your life and ask yourself; what can I learn from them.
From some I have learned to look to God in all things, From some I have learned that without God life is a tough road to walk.
There are 4 specific older women who have touched my life and helped to make me who I am today. My Nana(mom's mom) taught me that no matter what if we walk with God one day we will reap the rewards of our labors in heaven. She taught me that I need to faithful in the small things if I want God to bless me with bigger things to do. My 8th grade Sunday school teacher made God real for me instead of just a name in a really old book or someone whom we learned about in church. And my Grandma ( from my dads side of the family), taught me that sometimes being honest is one of the hardest things to do but, that if we always remain honest we can always be trusted because we have kept our integrity. She always taught me to love always even in the face of hardship. I don't remember a day that she ever raised her voice to me nor do I remember ever seeing her that she wasn't smiling. And Miss Hazel, though I met her in my older years ; I learned from her patience and peace.
Don't get me wrong , I have come across some really unkind , even nasty elderly people.
Some who think that the world owes them because they have lived long enough for it to. I have met some who are extremely cantankerous because of the situations of life they are experiencing. And some who are just miserable because they don't have the Lord in their lives. But, even in them can you learn something and gain wisdom..
So all this rambling comes back to one thing.
Consider the wisdom of the old and the knowledge that you can gain from them.
Do you have an older person in your life ? Take the time to listen to them. Value their wisdom.
if you don't have someone in your life , the nursing homes are full of older people who would love to share their lives and wisdom with you.
Just a nugget I felt I would pass along, I hope it blesses you in some way.
I guess I have always had a heart for the elderly but, it really sticks out to me the wisdom I can gain from listening to them as they share about their life and life's lessons.
My mother told me that even as a child if I couldn't be found they knew I could be found talking with the older folks. As we are growing up we somehow think that the older folks don't know what they are talking about and that we are way smarter than them. but, If we are smart we will take time to listen to them because they have so much wisdom to impart into our lives. And we can benefit greatly from it.
I remember how much I used to complain about my Nana coming to visit because it always seemed she was picking on the way I was and acted, but, in truth she was only trying to spare me a life of heartache. But, as I got older I used to love to sit and listen to her stories and yes even her advise. And I used to love to spend time talking with my other grandma because whenever I needed advise or wisdom on something she was always available and willing to share it.
Even now I go to the older women of the church for nuggets of wisdom. They may have advanced in age but, they have gained a lot of knowledge and wisdom through those years and have earned our respect and honoring of them.
It saddens me to see the neglect that has been bestowed upon a lot of them. Just consider for a minute the elderly that cross your life and ask yourself; what can I learn from them.
From some I have learned to look to God in all things, From some I have learned that without God life is a tough road to walk.
There are 4 specific older women who have touched my life and helped to make me who I am today. My Nana(mom's mom) taught me that no matter what if we walk with God one day we will reap the rewards of our labors in heaven. She taught me that I need to faithful in the small things if I want God to bless me with bigger things to do. My 8th grade Sunday school teacher made God real for me instead of just a name in a really old book or someone whom we learned about in church. And my Grandma ( from my dads side of the family), taught me that sometimes being honest is one of the hardest things to do but, that if we always remain honest we can always be trusted because we have kept our integrity. She always taught me to love always even in the face of hardship. I don't remember a day that she ever raised her voice to me nor do I remember ever seeing her that she wasn't smiling. And Miss Hazel, though I met her in my older years ; I learned from her patience and peace.
Don't get me wrong , I have come across some really unkind , even nasty elderly people.
Some who think that the world owes them because they have lived long enough for it to. I have met some who are extremely cantankerous because of the situations of life they are experiencing. And some who are just miserable because they don't have the Lord in their lives. But, even in them can you learn something and gain wisdom..
So all this rambling comes back to one thing.
Consider the wisdom of the old and the knowledge that you can gain from them.
Do you have an older person in your life ? Take the time to listen to them. Value their wisdom.
if you don't have someone in your life , the nursing homes are full of older people who would love to share their lives and wisdom with you.
Just a nugget I felt I would pass along, I hope it blesses you in some way.
May 6, 2011
Renewal- Revival
As I was spending time with the Lord this morning he put upon my heart renewal/revival. I began reading a book called * When God Moves by:John H. Armstrong* (I recommend this book highly) and as I was reading it I felt that I needed to look up the Azusa street Revival. As I was reading up on it, I came across an section from William J. Seymour's( founder of Azusa street church, not to be confused with founder of that revival because we all know the author and finisher of any revival is God himself) doctrine and discipline for the church. below I am going to add to this blog the part of his doctrine that really caught my attention let me know your thoughts on this and how you feel about it. Personally I think the part that got me thinking the most is the preparation for the power of God to fall on our lives
By: William J. Seymour
The Apostolic Faith: A Doctrinal Overview
The Apostolic Faith stands for the restoration of the faith once delivered to the saints, the old-time religion of camp meetings, revivals, missions, street mission work and Christian unity everywhere. According to God’s word (John 17:20,21).
Teaching on repentance (Mark 1:14,15).
Godly sorrow for sins (Examples: Matt. 9:13; 2 Cor. 7:9,11; Acts 3:19; Acts 17:30).
Confession of sin (Luke 15:21; Luke 18:13).
Restitution and faith in Jesus Christ (Ezek. 33:15; Luke 19:18).
Jesus died for our sins and arose for our justification (Romans 4:25).
The first work of grace. Justification is that act of God’s free grace by which we receive remission of sins (Rom. 3:25; Acts 10:42,43; Rom. 5:1,10; John 3:3,14; 2 Cor. 5:17).
The second work of grace. The Holy Ghost calls the second work the “second benefit.” The margin reads “second grace.” And the Syriac reads that you might receive the grace “doubly” (2 Cor. 1:15).
Sanctification is the second work of grace and is that act of God’s grace by which He makes us holy in doctrine and life (John 17:15, 17; Heb. 13:12;2:11; Heb. 12:14). Jesus opened the Bible to his disciples before He went back to heaven (Luke 24:24-50). He taught His doctrine to them well before He went to Heaven so when we get sanctified Jesus will teach us the Bible also, bless the Lord.
Sanctification is cleansing to make holy. The disciples were sanctified before the day of Pentecost. By careful study of scripture, you will find it is so now. “Ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you” and Jesus had breathed on them the Holy Ghost (John 15:3; John 13-10; John 20:21,22). You know that they could not receive the Spirit if they were not all clean. Jesus cleansed and got all doubt out of His church before He went back to glory. The disciples had the grace of the Spirit before the day of Pentecost. The disciples had an infilling of the Spirit before the day of Pentecost. For Jesus had cleansed the sanctuary and they had the witness in their hearts that He was their risen Lord and Savior and they were continually in the temple praising and blessing God (Luke 24:51,53).
The baptism in the Holy Ghost and fire means to be flooded with the love of God and power for service, and a love for the truth as it is in God’s word. So when we receive it we have the same signs to follow as the disciples received on the day of Pentecost. For the Holy Spirit gives us a sound mind, faith, love and power (2 Tim. 1:7). This is the standard Jesus gave to the church.
The greatest evidence of the Holy Spirit abiding in the believer is what Jesus Christ promised He would do. Jesus promised He would teach us all things, and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said so He means what He says. (John 14:17-26; John 16:7-15). So when He comes He does that in the believer, for He does it for me.
Seeking healing. We must believe, with great joy, that God is able to heal “I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Exodus 15:26; Jas. 5:14; Psalm 103:3; 2 Kings 20:5; Matt. 8:16,17; Mark 16:16-18). “Behold I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jer. 32:27; Luke 24:52,53).
God, Spirit and Word go together. They are the two witnesses spoken of in Zech. 4:3-14 and Rev. 11:3. When these two witnesses are not recognized all kinds of confusion will be manifested in the church.
Too many have confused the grace of sanctification with the enduement of power or the baptism with the Holy Ghost. Others have taken “the anointing” which we receive after we are sanctified for the baptism and failed to reach the glory and power of a true Pentecost (John 20:21-24; Acts 2:3,4).
We read in the second chapter of Colossians, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” This chapter tells us about Christ blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that were against us and contrary to us, and I am glad He did nail these ordinances to the cross with Him. He took them out of the way, nailing it to His cross. Bless the Lord. These were the old Jewish ordinances of divers washings, Sabbath days, new moons, circumcision and the Passover supper, and so on. But Jesus has ordinances in His church. Bless His dear Name.
Three ordinances Christ Himself instituted in His Church. First, He commands His ministers to baptize in water in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost and it was practiced by the apostles (Matt. 28:19; Acts 32:38; Acts 22:16; Acts 8:12,17). The eunuch was baptized (Acts 8:35). The Apostle Paul was baptized. So many cases we can find in Acts where it was practiced after John the Baptist had died.
We believe in water baptism. Our mode is immersion only, and single, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Matt. 28:19,20; 2 Cor. 13:13; and as much light as the Holy Ghost will reveal to us by His word.
Second, foot washing is an ordinance that Jesus Himself instituted in His church and we, His followers, should observe it. For He has commanded us to observe all things that He has commanded us to teach. So we find we will have to recognize these three ordinances.
We believe in the feet washing; we believe it to be an ordinance. Jesus said, in the John 13-17, “Ye call me Master and Lord, and ye say well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another’s feet for I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. Verily, verily I say unto you, the servant is not greater than his Lord: neither is he that is sent greater than he that sent him. If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.
We believe in the ordinance of the Lord’s supper, as it is set forth in 1 Cor. 11:2, 23-34 and Matt. 26: 26-29. We believe in taking unfermented wine and unleavened bread.
We the ministers, must be the husband of one wife (1 Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:6-9). We do not believe in unscriptural marriage (Rom. 7:2-4; 1 Cor. 7:39).
In Matt. 19:3-9, Matt. 5:32 and Mark 10:5-11, Jesus restored marriage back to the Edenic standard. Many are confused over the meaning of these passages. If either the husband or wife have defied themselves in the sins mentioned Jesus does not give either recognition as being legally married, while the first husband or wife is still living. They must repent to God and be reconciled to each other “for as Christ forgives so must we forgive” (1 Cor. 7:11). If a man or woman marry and either one has a living husband or wife their continuing to live together as a committing of fornication or adultery and the party who has a living husband or wife should be put away by the other, leaving the man or woman who has no living companion free to marry again to some one who is also free (1 Cor. 7:2; Matt. 19:9).
We do not believe in making a hobby of this doctrine of divorce, but we believe in the truth be comparing scripture with scripture, that no one in this work can marry the second husband or the second wife, while the first one is living (Rom. 7:2,3,4; 1 Cor. 7:10,11; 1 Cor. 7:39; 1 Tim. 3:9; Matt. 5:32; Luke 16:18; Mark 2-12).
Bishop Hurst says, in his Church History, that the gift of tongues has appeared in communities under powerful religious stimulus, as among the Cornisards, early Quakers, Lasare in Sweden in 1841-43, in the Irish Revival in 1859, and in the Catholic Apostolic (Irvingite) Church (Vol. 1, page 90).
I can say, through the power of the Spirit, that wherever God can get a people that will come together in one accord and one mind in the Word of God, the baptism of the Holy Ghost will fall upon them, like as at Cornelius’ house (Acts 10:45,46). It means, to be in one accord, as the word says in Acts 2:42,47.
The blood of Jesus will never blot out any sin between man and man they can make right; but if we can’t make wrongs right, the blood graciously covers (Matt. 5:24; Matt. 6:15; Matt. 18:35; 1 John 1:7-9).
Dear loved ones, God’s promises are true. We read in Exodus 12:3, God commanded Moses to take a lamb for a house and a house for a lamb when He was about to bring the children out of Egypt. Bless His holy Name, amen! They were to kill the lamb and take its blood and sprinkle it over the door overhead and the sides to save them from the destroyer. But in the very house they were instructed to eat the body. The blood saved them from the destroyer, but the body of the lamb saved them from disease and sickness. Glory to His Name! May we obey God’s word and voice and we shall be saved through Jesus from sins and feast on His perfect body. Jesus is founder of His church, the Christian church, by His own precious blood. Hallelujah! So, Jesus is the Christian Passover. When the Jews eat the Passover they remember God bringing them out of Egypt and point to His coming. So we eat the Christian Passover and remember Calvary, how Jesus died and saved us, and we look forward to His coming again.
Moses’ lamb was a type of Christ, the true Lamb, so Christ is our Lamb, bringing health to our imperfect body. Moses was founder of the Jewish church, by God, through the paschal lamb by the blood and body of the lamb. But Jesus is the Lamb of God, the founder of the Christian church.
Amended Articles of the Doctrines*
The Apostolic Faith Mission, 312 Azusa Street, stands for the following scriptural doctrines, ordinances, and truths, to-wit:
First, as amended: “Justification by faith, which we interpret as being the ‘forgiveness of sins,’ which is the ‘new birth’ spoken of in John 3:1-13” (Also Acts 10:42-43: Rom. 3:25). The doctrine of justification shall not be changed.
Second, as amended: “Sanctification by faith as a second definite work of grace upon the heart, which represents entire cleansing, made holy in heart” (John 17:15-17; 1 Thess. 4:3-5; Thess. 4:3; Heb. 2:11-13; Heb. 10:10; Heb. 13:12). The doctrine of sanctification cannot be changed.
Third, as amended: “The baptism with the Holy Ghost as a gift of power upon the sanctified life, and anointing for service and work” (Acts 2:1-4; Acts 10:45-46; Acts 19:6; 1 Cor. 4:21).
Fourth, as amended: “The speaking in tongues being one of the ‘signs following’ the baptized believers and other evidences of the Bible, casting out devils, healing the sick and with the fruits of the Spirit accompanying the signs” (1 Cor. 13; Mark 16:16-19; Acts 2:2-3' Acts 10:44-45-46; Act 19:6).
Fifth, as amended: “We believe and teach that God intended and Jesus taught that there could be no holy union between man and woman after divorcement for any cause, so long as both parties to the first covenant live” (Mal. 2:14-17; Matt. 5:32; Matt. 19:3-9; Mark 10:11-12; Luke 16:18; Rom. 7:1-4; 1 Cor. 7:39).
Sixth, as amended: “We believe in the ordinance of ‘water baptism,’ and teach that immersion is the only mode, in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, only one dip, in the name of the Trinity.”
Seventh, as amended: “We believe in the ordinance of the Lord’s supper as instituted by Jesus and followed by the apostles , and teach that it should be frequently observed in holy reverence.”
We do not believe in baptizing babies or children before they come to the age of accountability. A little child cannot believe.
Eighth, as amended: “We believe in feet washing as an ordinance, as it was established by our Master before the Lord’s supper, according to John 13:4-18, and believe it was practiced by the Apostles and disciples through the First Century” (1 Tim. 5:10).
To belong to this faith they must obey its teachings.

By: William J. Seymour
The Apostolic Faith: A Doctrinal Overview
The Apostolic Faith stands for the restoration of the faith once delivered to the saints, the old-time religion of camp meetings, revivals, missions, street mission work and Christian unity everywhere. According to God’s word (John 17:20,21).
Teaching on repentance (Mark 1:14,15).
Godly sorrow for sins (Examples: Matt. 9:13; 2 Cor. 7:9,11; Acts 3:19; Acts 17:30).
Confession of sin (Luke 15:21; Luke 18:13).
Restitution and faith in Jesus Christ (Ezek. 33:15; Luke 19:18).
Jesus died for our sins and arose for our justification (Romans 4:25).
The first work of grace. Justification is that act of God’s free grace by which we receive remission of sins (Rom. 3:25; Acts 10:42,43; Rom. 5:1,10; John 3:3,14; 2 Cor. 5:17).
The second work of grace. The Holy Ghost calls the second work the “second benefit.” The margin reads “second grace.” And the Syriac reads that you might receive the grace “doubly” (2 Cor. 1:15).
Sanctification is the second work of grace and is that act of God’s grace by which He makes us holy in doctrine and life (John 17:15, 17; Heb. 13:12;2:11; Heb. 12:14). Jesus opened the Bible to his disciples before He went back to heaven (Luke 24:24-50). He taught His doctrine to them well before He went to Heaven so when we get sanctified Jesus will teach us the Bible also, bless the Lord.
Sanctification is cleansing to make holy. The disciples were sanctified before the day of Pentecost. By careful study of scripture, you will find it is so now. “Ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you” and Jesus had breathed on them the Holy Ghost (John 15:3; John 13-10; John 20:21,22). You know that they could not receive the Spirit if they were not all clean. Jesus cleansed and got all doubt out of His church before He went back to glory. The disciples had the grace of the Spirit before the day of Pentecost. The disciples had an infilling of the Spirit before the day of Pentecost. For Jesus had cleansed the sanctuary and they had the witness in their hearts that He was their risen Lord and Savior and they were continually in the temple praising and blessing God (Luke 24:51,53).
The baptism in the Holy Ghost and fire means to be flooded with the love of God and power for service, and a love for the truth as it is in God’s word. So when we receive it we have the same signs to follow as the disciples received on the day of Pentecost. For the Holy Spirit gives us a sound mind, faith, love and power (2 Tim. 1:7). This is the standard Jesus gave to the church.
The greatest evidence of the Holy Spirit abiding in the believer is what Jesus Christ promised He would do. Jesus promised He would teach us all things, and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said so He means what He says. (John 14:17-26; John 16:7-15). So when He comes He does that in the believer, for He does it for me.
Seeking healing. We must believe, with great joy, that God is able to heal “I am the Lord that healeth thee” (Exodus 15:26; Jas. 5:14; Psalm 103:3; 2 Kings 20:5; Matt. 8:16,17; Mark 16:16-18). “Behold I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jer. 32:27; Luke 24:52,53).
God, Spirit and Word go together. They are the two witnesses spoken of in Zech. 4:3-14 and Rev. 11:3. When these two witnesses are not recognized all kinds of confusion will be manifested in the church.
Too many have confused the grace of sanctification with the enduement of power or the baptism with the Holy Ghost. Others have taken “the anointing” which we receive after we are sanctified for the baptism and failed to reach the glory and power of a true Pentecost (John 20:21-24; Acts 2:3,4).
We read in the second chapter of Colossians, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” This chapter tells us about Christ blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that were against us and contrary to us, and I am glad He did nail these ordinances to the cross with Him. He took them out of the way, nailing it to His cross. Bless the Lord. These were the old Jewish ordinances of divers washings, Sabbath days, new moons, circumcision and the Passover supper, and so on. But Jesus has ordinances in His church. Bless His dear Name.
Three ordinances Christ Himself instituted in His Church. First, He commands His ministers to baptize in water in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost and it was practiced by the apostles (Matt. 28:19; Acts 32:38; Acts 22:16; Acts 8:12,17). The eunuch was baptized (Acts 8:35). The Apostle Paul was baptized. So many cases we can find in Acts where it was practiced after John the Baptist had died.
We believe in water baptism. Our mode is immersion only, and single, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Matt. 28:19,20; 2 Cor. 13:13; and as much light as the Holy Ghost will reveal to us by His word.
Second, foot washing is an ordinance that Jesus Himself instituted in His church and we, His followers, should observe it. For He has commanded us to observe all things that He has commanded us to teach. So we find we will have to recognize these three ordinances.
We believe in the feet washing; we believe it to be an ordinance. Jesus said, in the John 13-17, “Ye call me Master and Lord, and ye say well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another’s feet for I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you. Verily, verily I say unto you, the servant is not greater than his Lord: neither is he that is sent greater than he that sent him. If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.
We believe in the ordinance of the Lord’s supper, as it is set forth in 1 Cor. 11:2, 23-34 and Matt. 26: 26-29. We believe in taking unfermented wine and unleavened bread.
We the ministers, must be the husband of one wife (1 Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:6-9). We do not believe in unscriptural marriage (Rom. 7:2-4; 1 Cor. 7:39).
In Matt. 19:3-9, Matt. 5:32 and Mark 10:5-11, Jesus restored marriage back to the Edenic standard. Many are confused over the meaning of these passages. If either the husband or wife have defied themselves in the sins mentioned Jesus does not give either recognition as being legally married, while the first husband or wife is still living. They must repent to God and be reconciled to each other “for as Christ forgives so must we forgive” (1 Cor. 7:11). If a man or woman marry and either one has a living husband or wife their continuing to live together as a committing of fornication or adultery and the party who has a living husband or wife should be put away by the other, leaving the man or woman who has no living companion free to marry again to some one who is also free (1 Cor. 7:2; Matt. 19:9).
We do not believe in making a hobby of this doctrine of divorce, but we believe in the truth be comparing scripture with scripture, that no one in this work can marry the second husband or the second wife, while the first one is living (Rom. 7:2,3,4; 1 Cor. 7:10,11; 1 Cor. 7:39; 1 Tim. 3:9; Matt. 5:32; Luke 16:18; Mark 2-12).
Bishop Hurst says, in his Church History, that the gift of tongues has appeared in communities under powerful religious stimulus, as among the Cornisards, early Quakers, Lasare in Sweden in 1841-43, in the Irish Revival in 1859, and in the Catholic Apostolic (Irvingite) Church (Vol. 1, page 90).
I can say, through the power of the Spirit, that wherever God can get a people that will come together in one accord and one mind in the Word of God, the baptism of the Holy Ghost will fall upon them, like as at Cornelius’ house (Acts 10:45,46). It means, to be in one accord, as the word says in Acts 2:42,47.
The blood of Jesus will never blot out any sin between man and man they can make right; but if we can’t make wrongs right, the blood graciously covers (Matt. 5:24; Matt. 6:15; Matt. 18:35; 1 John 1:7-9).
Dear loved ones, God’s promises are true. We read in Exodus 12:3, God commanded Moses to take a lamb for a house and a house for a lamb when He was about to bring the children out of Egypt. Bless His holy Name, amen! They were to kill the lamb and take its blood and sprinkle it over the door overhead and the sides to save them from the destroyer. But in the very house they were instructed to eat the body. The blood saved them from the destroyer, but the body of the lamb saved them from disease and sickness. Glory to His Name! May we obey God’s word and voice and we shall be saved through Jesus from sins and feast on His perfect body. Jesus is founder of His church, the Christian church, by His own precious blood. Hallelujah! So, Jesus is the Christian Passover. When the Jews eat the Passover they remember God bringing them out of Egypt and point to His coming. So we eat the Christian Passover and remember Calvary, how Jesus died and saved us, and we look forward to His coming again.
Moses’ lamb was a type of Christ, the true Lamb, so Christ is our Lamb, bringing health to our imperfect body. Moses was founder of the Jewish church, by God, through the paschal lamb by the blood and body of the lamb. But Jesus is the Lamb of God, the founder of the Christian church.
The Apostolic Faith Mission, 312 Azusa Street, stands for the following scriptural doctrines, ordinances, and truths, to-wit:
First, as amended: “Justification by faith, which we interpret as being the ‘forgiveness of sins,’ which is the ‘new birth’ spoken of in John 3:1-13” (Also Acts 10:42-43: Rom. 3:25). The doctrine of justification shall not be changed.
Second, as amended: “Sanctification by faith as a second definite work of grace upon the heart, which represents entire cleansing, made holy in heart” (John 17:15-17; 1 Thess. 4:3-5; Thess. 4:3; Heb. 2:11-13; Heb. 10:10; Heb. 13:12). The doctrine of sanctification cannot be changed.
Third, as amended: “The baptism with the Holy Ghost as a gift of power upon the sanctified life, and anointing for service and work” (Acts 2:1-4; Acts 10:45-46; Acts 19:6; 1 Cor. 4:21).
Fourth, as amended: “The speaking in tongues being one of the ‘signs following’ the baptized believers and other evidences of the Bible, casting out devils, healing the sick and with the fruits of the Spirit accompanying the signs” (1 Cor. 13; Mark 16:16-19; Acts 2:2-3' Acts 10:44-45-46; Act 19:6).
Fifth, as amended: “We believe and teach that God intended and Jesus taught that there could be no holy union between man and woman after divorcement for any cause, so long as both parties to the first covenant live” (Mal. 2:14-17; Matt. 5:32; Matt. 19:3-9; Mark 10:11-12; Luke 16:18; Rom. 7:1-4; 1 Cor. 7:39).
Sixth, as amended: “We believe in the ordinance of ‘water baptism,’ and teach that immersion is the only mode, in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, only one dip, in the name of the Trinity.”
Seventh, as amended: “We believe in the ordinance of the Lord’s supper as instituted by Jesus and followed by the apostles , and teach that it should be frequently observed in holy reverence.”
We do not believe in baptizing babies or children before they come to the age of accountability. A little child cannot believe.
Eighth, as amended: “We believe in feet washing as an ordinance, as it was established by our Master before the Lord’s supper, according to John 13:4-18, and believe it was practiced by the Apostles and disciples through the First Century” (1 Tim. 5:10).
To belong to this faith they must obey its teachings.
Does this get you to thinking as it did me?
May 5, 2011
A Days Devotion- God takes care of his children.
We see many times in the Bible where people of bible times traveled; at times willingly and at other times as captives. Sometimes by the hand of God and sometimes necessary according to their lifestyle and rank in life. Sometimes they were obedient to God and went where He led them and sometimes they grumbled and whined and complained the whole way. But, God never left them.
Then we look to the New Testament times. where we find many of the same manner such as: the disciples or the Apostle Paul or many others through out the bible that were children of God. whether they grumbled or complained, were rebellious or sinful (yes they were disciplined) but God never left them and always took care of their needs.
Through all of this we see that as God's children though we can expect correction and discipline when we need it, we can always expect God to take care of us and protect us through out our lives. He promises that as much as he values the sparrows of the air, he values us even more and with a greater love. If he sees to all their needs why wouldn't He care for all the needs of his children? Luke 12:4-7. And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Philippians4: 19
In closing; as children of God, no matter where we go, no matter what the circumstances are, if we put our faith in God He will always be there to guide us and take care of us.
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