We as christians have a commission to take the gospel of Christ to the world.
Matthew 28:18-20
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." It wasn't a suggestion , it was a commission!
There are so many lost , hurting and dieing people out there who are hungry to know a better way, to know Jesus. They need him just as much as we do. They need to know that they don't have to die in their sins, that God loves them so much, that he sent his only son Jesus to die for their sins, so that they can live in eternity with him. It is our job, our duty, our commission to take the good news to them but, whatever means that we can.
The bible says in Luke 19:40 *If we are silent, the rocks will cry out, the glory of God.* The gospel needs to be told so that none will be lost . How will you answer to God on judgement day when he declares that someone needed to hear about Jesus and you were the only one available to tell them and you didn't do it? I was to shy? I didn't know what to say? I was afraid of being ridiculed or rejected?
We are not called to be scholars with the perfect words in our vocabulary and we are not all going to be Pastors whom are well studied and versed but, we do know what Christ did for us and He will prepare the hearts to hear and receive our testimonies.
If we are truly sons and daughters of Christ then we should be shouting it from the roof tops, speaking of it wherever we go , showing it in our very deeds and actions.
I was told by a well meaning person that I needed to be quiet and just listen to God and he would take care of the rest. But, though there are times that we need to be still and listen to Gods voice, He wants us busying ourselves with getting the gospel out to the lost and hurting. By whatever means we have to do so.
My prayer is * If you can use anything (the rocks) Lord , you can use me; touch my hands Lord(that I may write about you) and my feet (that I may take the gospel to the ends of the earth) Touch my heart Lord (That I may carry YOUR words and Your love) speak through me ( that others may hear of your gospel).
Will you carry forth the gospel Of Christ today and all the days of your life? As for me, I shall carry on with the commission that God has given to me.
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