Whether we are singing in church or just chatting with friends, whether we are just saying things in the heat of the moment or in the moment of distress we make promises we don't mean. We need to guard every word we speak.
Proverbs 18: 21 says that * Death and life are in the power of the tongue.* That means that we are held accountable for everything we say.
Matthew 12:34 says that * Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.* That means that whether we are cursing someone or something, Or maybe we are making promises to God so that he will fix something in our lives. Or maybe we are just singing a song. For the most part our words are usually just idle words, not meant for anything but the moment, but, do we really understand the depths of power the spoken word really has?
I remember being in a worship service not to long ago and we were singing a song that had these words; *Lord, I want to drink of the cup in your hand*. And I remember Co Pastor Brenda saying to us, *do you really what is in that cup? Do you really want to drink from it?*
Oh be careful little mouth what you say! For you bring life to the words that you speak. Your mouth is just a small little part on your body yet it can cause a world of difference to yours and others lives.
Here is an example, and I use this one because hopefully no one would ever actually use this story.. Let's just say you were learning about Job and not really paying attention to the whole of the story but just the ending where God blessed Job abundantly. So you say Lord, I want to be like Job. What you wanted was the blessings that Job received but, not thinking before you spoke you said you wanted to be like Job. So all of a sudden you start going thru trials and difficulties and sometimes even anguish and you say *why is this happening to me God?* Don't forget you asked to be like Job, and look at all Job had to go through to get to the part where God blessed him.
We need to be careful what we speak to others as well. In the heat of the moment you may say to someone that they are stupid, or won't amount to much, or that they will be a failure at life, or they will always be in trouble. You may only be saying those things because your angry at the moment and not really mean them but, you spoke life to those words over another person. And if that persons spirit isn't strong in the Lord and able to rebuke that you have just caused a lifetime of damage to them.
Be very careful what you speak, for there is the power of life and death that are in the spoken word.
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