Exodus 20 :3
That is the very first commandment given and the most important . Yet it is also the one most neglected. God is a jealous God and won't share our love or worship with any other thing that we choose to make more important to us than Him.
What other gods you ask? Examples are money, jobs, family or friends, television or celebrities, sports, clubs, groups etc. the list can go on and on because whatever we choose to honor and give of ourselves over God is and idol.
The more obvious things are things like a sports event, where we can pack out a stadium , wear t-shirts and purchase anything and everything pertaining to our favorite team and yet we can't hardly get people to attend a church without gimmicks or specials or even being a special holiday. And do we put our money into the things needed in God's kingdom, towards missions or building the sanctuary, or helping the needy as freely as we do for those other things?
And what about the not so obvious? Do we love our family and friends more than we do God? Or what about pictures of angels we may hang up or just the fact that we give them any glory when all glory belongs to God? Or here is one example that may sting a bit; What about pictures of God? they seem like we are honoring God right? no we aren't because no one knows what God looks like so how can we create images of him? In Exodus 33:20 the bible says * no man has seen God and lived * so how can we create an image of him? I told you that it would sting and maybe you just don't agree with me, well that's ok because my purpose here is to share with you what I feel God saying to me , so it's my interpretation , its not written in stone as the ten commandments were.
God says * Thou shalt no have any other gods before him*!!!
Isaiah 41:21-24 basically says to test those other gods (or images) against what God has and can do ? They have no power to do anything for you that God has , can or will do for you. They are worthless and detestable to God.
So as I am doing , check you life and where you allegiance goes and make sure there are no other gods before him in your life.
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