*Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold all things are brand new.* KJV
Becoming a child of God is like changing your clothes. If you were out playing in the mud and were all filthy would you continue to wear those same clothes? No, you would bathe and change clothes to clean ones. It's the same with living a life of sin. when you come to know Jesus you bathe and change clothes so that you are no longer covered in the filth of sin.
When we live a life of sin we get into all sorts of filth. Sex, drugs, alcohol, stealing , envy, coveting, murder, violence, etc. And the bible tells us that kind of life leads us to death. (Romans 6:23) * For the wages of sin is death*.
But, when we become a child of God, we put off the old sinful life and become new and clean in Jesus. (1John 1:7) says * the blood of Jesus cleanseth us from all sin.*
Therefore if we are children of God ( children) we are changed from our filthy sinful nature into a blood washed clean pure life. We aren't supposed to continue in our old ways because we are new beings thru Christ. We have died to sin and now live in Christ.
So why do we keep going back to our old sinful ways, do we not realize, that he paid the ultimate price so that we didn't have to?
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