Jun 29, 2011

What you do will come back to you!

There are many scriptures in the Bible  and even many sayings in the world that although they are worded differently all say the same * you reap what you sow*.

So what does Webster's dictionary say the meaning of those two little words are?
REAP> to gather, to harvest, to obtain
SOW> to plant, to put into motion, to spread about

So we can see that what we harvest will always depend on what we sow. We will never harvest a different crop than what we plant. Example: If you sow corn you will not harvest olives.

What you do unto others God will do unto you. What you give to others God will give back to you. If you judge others you will be judged by God according to the same manner of which you judged them.

If you sow a seed of anger and hate, revenge or bitterness, spite and malice;  you are going to receive the same back to you. If you give a smile or a  kind word to someone , someone will come along and do the same for you. If you give a sandwich to someone who is hungry or a glass of water to someone who is thirsty, how much more do you think God will give to you in your time of need?

 If you were dying and there was only one doctor who could save your life, wouldn't you want someone to take you to that doctor?There are a lot of lost and dying souls out there that only Jesus can save;  won't you be the one who takes them  to Jesus?

We can't look at these situations and say* someone else will help them * we need to be that someone. We can't look at these situations as a way to get blessed by God; we need to see them through the eyes and heart of God.

If you see someone who is cold and has no coat but you have two; won't you give them one of yours?

Matthew 7:9-10> 
 Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?
Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent?

Jun 28, 2011

Our past doesn't have to define our future

The Bible is full of people who have had shady pasts, but they changed their direction and changed the outcome of their future.

And for the most part , we can trace who we have become to how we were raised or who raised us. But there are also examples of how we live our lives by what we trust and believe in. If we believe in the ways of this world we live the ways of this world. , In the case of our upbringing, a lot of the time we either are raised by christian people who haven't dealt w/ their own past and have carried it forward to us.

Such as with Jacob and Esau , Jacob was a supplanter, a deceiver . Esau cared more for the here and now from the world. Jacob came from a family line of Abraham  and Isaac who both had promises from God but, instead of waiting on God to fulfill those promises they took matters into their own hands to receive those promises, as did Jacob. Not waiting on God and taking matters into their own hands just succeeded in making them distant from God.

We may not all have grown up like Jacob with parents who knew God but, didn't obey him or follow him , or even just took matters into their own hands instead of waiting on God. Some of may have had Godly parents who loved the Lord and tried very hard to teach us to walk in the ways of God. But, we may have chosen the road that Esau took, the way of the here and now; the way of the worldly things over the way of  God.

But, that doesn't mean that we have to stay that way. We don't have to let our past determine our future. We can choose to meet God at the place of our end and His beginning. We can choose to say enough is enough, I want a better life from here on out. We are never to old or to far gone to change our future. God is waiting for us to come to him earnestly and say Lord not my way but yours.

The world may say, once a drunk always a drunk; but Jesus says come to me and I will set you free.
The world may say, once a liar always a liar but: Jesus says I've come to give you new life.
The world may say you are no good and worthless But, Jesus says : I love you so much that I have died for you.

We don't have to live in the destiny that our past created. Jesus is waiting with open arms to change our lives and give us a new destiny.

Jun 26, 2011

As for me and my house!

                                                *We will serve the Lord always*
                                                        Joshua 24:15

Whom do you serve? is it tv money sports, friends and family or in today's time the computer or texting?
 Or maybe it is God. Many will say yes, I will serve the Lord but, that's all it turns out to be is empty words. Does the words from our mouth match up with our actions?

Do we make God such a part of our everyday lives that we start out in the mornings with inviting him to be involved in you whole day? Does your everyday life involve things that you would not want God to be a part of? Such as when your hanging out with friends and an occasional rude joke or profane word is said; do you walk away or ask them not to talk like that around you or do you go along with it and maybe laugh yourself saying it's only a joke?Would you act differently is Jesus were standing beside you in the flesh? What about when you are at work and something makes you angry or is stressful , do you spout a stream of curse words and not think twice about it or do you think Jesus is by my side he will help me through this?

Maybe you spend your time in front of the tv watching shows that are violent or the next thing to pornography; do you watch them and say , oh they are just shows they aren't real or do you turn the channel and avoid them? Maybe it's as simple as making a promise to someone and then not keeping it. Oh I'll do it later or they aren't really expecting me to do it. How can you serve God when you are serving the world and it's ways and thoughts and actions?

Are you really serving him today? Have you heard him speak to you and you say I will later Lord, or you just ignore it all together?  Have you had the chance to show someone else the Lord and you haven't because of fear of ridicule or rejection? Jesus doesn't ask of us anything that He wouldn't and hasn't experienced himself.

God wants us to make him part of our everyday lives  as if he were walking side by side with us in the flesh.
Are we going to put him on a shelf and only take him out on Sundays or when we need him for something, or are we going to make the choice to make him part of our everyday life; all day and night?

                               *But, as for me and my house we will serve the Lord always!*

Jun 24, 2011

Oh be careful little mouth what you say!!!

Whether we are singing in church or just chatting with friends, whether we are just saying things in the heat of the moment or in the moment of distress we make promises we don't mean. We need to guard every word we speak.

Proverbs 18: 21 says that * Death and life are in the power of the tongue.* That means that we are held accountable for everything we say.

Matthew 12:34 says that * Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.* That means that whether we are cursing someone or something, Or maybe we are making promises to God so that he will fix something in our lives. Or maybe we are just singing a song. For the most part our words are usually just idle words, not meant for anything but the moment, but, do we really understand the depths of power the spoken word really has?

I remember being in a worship service not to long ago and we were singing a song that had these words; *Lord, I want to drink of the cup in your hand*. And I remember Co Pastor Brenda  saying to us, *do you really what is in that cup? Do you really want to drink from it?* 

Oh be careful little mouth what you say! For you bring life to the words that you speak. Your mouth is just a small little part on your body yet it can cause a world of difference to yours and others lives.

Here is an example, and I use this one because hopefully no one would ever actually use this story.. Let's just say you were learning about Job and not really paying attention to the whole of the story but just the ending where God blessed Job abundantly. So you say Lord, I want to be like Job. What you wanted was the blessings that Job received but, not thinking before you spoke you said you wanted to be like Job. So all of a sudden you start going thru trials and difficulties and sometimes even anguish and you say *why is this happening to me God?* Don't forget you asked to be like Job, and look at all Job had to go through to get to the part where God blessed him.

We need to be careful what we speak to others as well. In the heat of the moment you may say to someone that they are stupid, or won't amount to much, or that they will be a failure at life, or they will always be in trouble. You may only be saying those things because your angry at the moment and not really mean them but, you spoke life to those words over another person. And if that persons spirit isn't strong in the Lord and able to rebuke that you have just caused a lifetime of damage to them.

Be very careful what you speak, for there is the power of life and death that are in the spoken word.

Jun 22, 2011

Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!!!!

                                            Psalm 107:2

I like the way the New American Standard Bible words this verse, it is so plain and can not be misinterpreted.
*Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out and tell others that he has redeemed you from you enemies.*

Webster's dictionary says that the meaning of redeemed is> to but or pay off, to buy back, to recover. But it also means to me> to be rescued, to be delivered, to be set free, to be restored.

Has  God saved you out of a life of sin? Has he set you free from addictions or a life style of shame? Has he rescued you from abuse or danger? Has he stored your health back to you? Then you need to say so! You are the most qualified to share with the world what God has done for you and in you . There is someone else out there who is living as you once did that needs to know that Christ is waiting to redeem them also.

Consider the life of the Apostle Paul; Paul hated christians so badly that he hunted them down and prosecuted and persecuted them. But, one day God touch him and changed his life and set him free. From that day on Paul's ministry was based on his testimony of what Christ did for him. That is exactly what God is asking us to do.

Psalm 107: 32 says * Let the redeemed exalt him in the congregation of people and praise him in the assembly of the elders.*

Jesus saved us from our sins and the penalty of death. He made us sons and daughters of God. We have all the qualifications we need to as Mark 16:15 says> *Go ye therefore into all the world and preach the gospel to all men .*

Jun 21, 2011

What is true Joy? Have we got true Joy? Where can we find true Joy?

                           *The joy of the Lord is my strength* Nehemiah 8:10

Let's look at what Joy means here. Webster's dictionary says it > means a glad feeling,happiness, great pleasure,delight, cheerful. but, that is man's understanding of Joy. True Joy is far beyond what man can put into simple words or explanation, and few ever truly comprehend it.

Here is a few bible verses that give an understanding to true Joy.
Psalm 9:1-2> I will praise you O Lord with all of my heart. I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. I will be filled with Joy because of you.I will sing praises to your name O most High.
Psalm 28:7> The Lord is my strength and my shield, I trust him with all of my heart. He helps me and my heart is filled with Joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.
 Isaiah 51:11> Those who have been ransomed by the Lord will return, they will enter Jerusalem singing, crowned with everlasting Joy. Sorrow and mourning will disappear and they will be filled with Joy and gladness.
Nehemiah 8:10 > Don't be dejected and sad, for the Joy of the Lord is your strength.
And there are many, many more verses that are filled with explanation of true Joy.

Many seem to think that they have joy when they receive something they want or do something they are proud of or someone says good things about them but, this is worldly joy: it's temporal, it will soon fade. But, as we see so much in scripture true Joy comes from the Lord , it is his Joy imparted to us and that's the only way we can experience true Joy; through the Lord.

As I was doing some research on this subject I came across a few interesting statements and I thought I would share them with you.

John W. Ritenbaugh says in his sermon on the fruit of the spirit-Joy.It appears that for us to experience a biblical Joy, the fruit of God's spirit, we need godly inner qualities that we do not possess by nature. As with love- the love that springs from us by nature, that is but a pale reflection of God's love- so also is it with Joy. Until we come to the point where we are supremely confident of God's presence in our life- of his providence towards us in the past, present, and future- we will not experience the enduring fullness of Joy that God wants us to have.
Charles Spurgeon from his sermon: The Joy of the Lord the strength of his people-1871
He cannot be an unhappy man who can cry, "Abba, Father." The spirit of adoption is always attended by love, joy, and peace, which are fruits of the Spirit; for we have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but we have received the spirit of liberty and joy in Christ Jesus. "My God, my Father." Oh how sweet the sound. But all men of God do not enjoy this, say you. Alas! we grant it, but we also add that it is their own fault. It is the right and portion of every believer to live in the assurance that he is reconciled to God, that God loves him, and that he is God's child, and if he doth not so live he has himself only to blame. If there be any starving at God's table, it is because the guest stints himself, for the feast is superabundant. If however, a man comes, and I pray you all may, to live habitually under a sense of pardon through the sprinkling of the precious blood, and in a delightful sense of perfect reconciliation with the great God, he is the possessor of a joy unspeakable and full of glory.

So in conclusion what we find in the word is that the only way to receive true Joy is through the Lord. The Joy of the Lord is my strength. It is His Joy to give.

Jun 19, 2011

Prepare ye the way of the Lord!!!!!

Isaiah 40: 3&4 tells us of a voice crying out in the wilderness ; *Prepare ye the way of the Lord.*. And in Matthew 3:1-3 we read that John the baptist is that voice mentioned in Isaiah. John's cry was to *Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.*

Webster's dictionary gives the meaning of the word prepare as > to make ready beforehand , to put in proper state of mind,to work out the details; the synonyms for prepare are: fit , fix, groom, prep, ready.

So in essence we are told that we need to make ready, to groom,  before Jesus comes back. Yes, when John the baptist was preaching this was a different time and It was the first coming of Christ but, the message still stands today for us.

John was telling us how to get ready. He was preaching that we need to repent and believe.  To repent means to turn from one's sin  and feel sorrow enough for it to change our lives. True repentance comes from a conviction of one's sin combined with a fearful expectation of a wrathful judgement from a Holy and Righteous God.

Example: when we have done something wrong and face judgement for it such as court with a judge , if we are repentant we feel sorry enough to change our ways . The judge will  tell us our punishment and impose it. But, with Jesus  if we are truly repentant of our sins enough to change our lives and believe in Him then he takes our punishment for us and it the sin is no longer remembered.

You ask, how does this message apply to those of us who are christians and have been saved?  We as christians need to repent first of all for being spiritually lazy. For sitting in the pews keeping them warm every Sunday and letting the pastors feed us the word but, we don't take that word out to those lost and dying people outside of the church. We sit back and wait for them top come in and hear for themselves.

We are all called to be like John. taking the gospel out and sharing it with the world. That is not just for certain people it is our commission as children of God. We may not have a wilderness as  John did and times might be a bit different than then, but there are still lost souls out there and probably more now than then. We need to reach out to as many as we can before Jesus comes back and we need to start doing it now. Time is getting shorter every day, we need to get busy, preparing the way.

Jun 17, 2011

All things are brand new !!!


*Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold all things are brand new.* KJV

Becoming a child of God is like changing your clothes. If you were out playing in the mud and were all filthy would you continue to wear those same clothes? No, you would bathe and change clothes to clean ones.  It's  the same with living a life of sin. when you come to know Jesus you bathe and change clothes so that you are no longer covered in the filth of sin.

When we live a life of sin we get into all sorts of filth. Sex, drugs, alcohol, stealing , envy, coveting, murder, violence, etc. And the bible tells us that kind of life leads us to death. (Romans 6:23) * For the wages of sin is death*.

But, when we become a child of God, we put off the old sinful life and become new and clean in Jesus. (1John 1:7) says * the blood of Jesus cleanseth us from all sin.*

Therefore if we are children of God ( children) we are changed from our filthy sinful nature into a blood washed clean pure life. We aren't supposed to continue in our old ways because we are new beings thru Christ. We have died to sin and now live in Christ. 

So why do we keep going back to our old sinful ways, do we not realize, that he paid the ultimate price so that we didn't have to?

Jun 16, 2011

Thou sall have no other gods before Me!!!

                                             Exodus 20 :3

That is the very first commandment given and the most important . Yet it is also the one most neglected. God is a jealous God and won't share our love or worship with any other thing that we choose to make more important to us than Him.

What other gods you ask? Examples are money, jobs, family or friends, television or celebrities, sports, clubs, groups etc. the list can go on and on because whatever we choose to honor and give of ourselves over God is and idol.

The more obvious things are things like a sports event, where we can pack out a stadium , wear t-shirts and purchase anything and everything pertaining to our favorite team and yet we can't hardly get people to attend a church without gimmicks or specials or even being a special holiday. And do we put our money into the things needed in God's kingdom, towards missions or building the sanctuary, or helping the needy as freely as we do for those other things?

And what about the not so obvious? Do we love our family and friends more than we do God? Or what about pictures of angels we may hang up or just the fact that we give them any glory when all glory belongs to God? Or here is one example that may sting a bit; What about pictures of God? they seem like we are honoring God right? no we aren't because no one knows what God looks like so how can we create images of him? In Exodus 33:20 the bible says * no man has seen God and lived * so how can we create an image of him? I told you that it would sting and maybe you just don't agree with me, well that's ok because my purpose here is to share with you what I feel God saying to me , so it's my interpretation , its not written in stone as the ten commandments were.

God says * Thou shalt no have any other gods before him*!!!

Isaiah 41:21-24 basically says to test those other gods (or images)  against what God has and can do ? They have no power to do anything for you that God has , can or will do for you. They are worthless and detestable to God.

So as I am doing , check you life and where you allegiance goes and make sure there are no other gods before him in your life.

Jun 15, 2011

If I am silent, the rocks shall cry out!

We as christians have a commission to take the gospel of Christ to the world.
Matthew 28:18-20
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
  It wasn't a suggestion , it was a commission!

There are so many lost , hurting and dieing people out there who are hungry to know a better way, to know Jesus. They need him just as much as we do. They need to know that they don't have to die in their sins, that God loves them so much, that he sent his only son Jesus to die for their sins, so that they can live in eternity with him. It is our job, our duty, our commission to take the good news to them but, whatever means that we can.

The bible says in Luke 19:40 *If we are silent, the rocks will cry out, the glory of God.* The gospel needs to be told so that none will be lost . How will you answer to God on judgement day when he declares that someone needed to hear about Jesus and you were the only one available to tell them and you didn't do it? I was to shy? I didn't know what to say? I was afraid of being ridiculed or rejected?
We are not called to be scholars with the perfect words in our vocabulary and we are not all going to be Pastors whom are well studied and versed but, we do know what Christ did for us and He will prepare the hearts to hear and receive our testimonies.

If we are truly sons and daughters of Christ then we should be shouting it from the roof tops, speaking of it wherever we go , showing it in our very deeds and actions.

I was told by a well meaning person that I needed to be quiet and just listen to God and he would take care of the rest. But, though there are times that we need to be still and listen to Gods voice, He wants us busying ourselves with getting the gospel out to the lost and hurting. By whatever means we have to do so.


My prayer is * If you can use anything (the rocks) Lord , you can use me; touch my hands Lord(that I may write about you) and my feet (that I may take the gospel to the ends of the earth) Touch my heart Lord (That I may carry YOUR words and Your love) speak through me ( that others may hear of your gospel).

Will you carry forth the gospel Of Christ today and all the days of your life? As for me, I shall carry on with the commission that God has given to me.

Jun 13, 2011

This Little Light of Mine

Taken from the well known children's song this chorus really stuck out to me. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. Hide it under a bush, oh no, I'm gonna let it shine. As I really stop to think on what that chorus really says ; I think, what is that light of mine? where did I get it and what is it  shining for?

In John 8:12 Jesus says, * I am the light of this world. If you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness , because, you will have the light that leads to life.* In my  understanding of what that is saying is that Jesus is that light of mine and if I walk with him then I won't be walking in a life of darkness and sin that leads only to death. I also see that light as the Holy Spirit illuminating the pathway of my life so that I won't trip over the darkness of sin and fall into it again.

When you turn on a light, or light a candle , are you the only one who can see from it or does that light up the whole room so that others may see as well? In as much as a light bulb lights up a whole room, Jesus thru us will light the whole world. 

As for the rest of that chorus, *Hide it under a bush oh no, I'm gonna let it shine.* When you hide something it denotes that you are ashamed of it and afraid someone will find out about it. If I have the light of Jesus shining thru me but, I hide it, in essence i am saying I'm ashamed of it and I don't want others to see or know that I am a christian.

I am neither ashamed or afraid to let the light of Jesus shine thru my life. And my only prayer is that through my light others can see Jesus clearly and come to know him as I have.

Are you having trouble letting your light shine forth? Romans 8:31 says* If God be for you , who then can be against you? So stand up and shine your light brightly because there is someone waiting to see it.

Jun 12, 2011

Pentecost Sunday

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. 
Acts 2:1-4 

How do we really celebrate Pentecost? Is it just another Sunday to us? Or are we preparing ourselves for it long before it is actually here?  We read in the word that we are to expect the coming of the Holy spirit , that he is our gift from God to help us to live as children of God.

John 15:26 says *But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father* Acts 1;5 says* For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.* We have been told to expect the Holy Spirit's coming several times. Are we anticipating?

Jesus promised us a helper and comforter so we can come expecting to receive him unto us this very day. Though we can receive The Holy Spirit anytime, this is a day that God specifically set aside for us not only to recieve His Spirit but, for it to be such an event that it will cause many more to come to know him. Praise the Lord, I am expecting and yearning for that harvest of many souls are you?

Let's honor the Holy Spirit today and seek with all expectance His presence.

Jun 10, 2011

Are you a Mary or a Martha?

As we read the story of Mary and Martha in (Luke 10:38-42) we see how very different two sisters are. Martha was concerned for the work at the present and had no time for sitting w/ company. Mary was more interested in spending time w/ her company and felt that the work will be there later.

 ...a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, "Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me."But the Lord said to her, "My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her."
- Luke 10:38-42

Are we a Martha, where we are so busy with our daily lives and things of this world ? Or are we so busy with the work for God that we have no time to spend with God? Or are we a Mary, that was comes first for us is to sit at the feet of Jesus giving him our time and ourselves, and everything else can follow later?

You hear many wives complain that their husbands spend so much time at work trying to provide for them, that they have little to no time to spend with the family. These wives say they would rather have time alone with the one they love, than have them constantly working - Even though they are working for them.
God feels the same way about you. He would rather have time alone with the one He loves, than all of your work - Even when the work you are doing is really for Him. 

Yes God has called us for many different kind of works in our life but, he wants us to spend time with him first , giving of ourselves to him. He wants the very best of us not the left overs. When God created Adam and Eve he first created them to commune with him and then all else could follow afterward.

It is only in that time alone communing with you that He can give you the strength that you will need to be the person He designed you to be.
It is in the time you spend laying at His feet in fellowship with Him that your Father can truly clothe you in strength and dignity.

So it's your time to choose will you be a Mary or a Martha? I choose a Mary life.

Jun 8, 2011

Shall we dance?

The bible says David danced before the Lord (2 Samuel 6:14). And David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod. When I looked it up in the Wesley commentary this is how the verse was explained. Danced - To express his thankfulness to God by his outward carriage, according to the manner of those times. Linen ephod - The usual habit of the priests and Levites, in their sacred ministrations yet sometimes worn by others, as it was by the young child Samuel; and so David, who laid by his royal robes, and put on this robe to declare, that although he was king of Israel, yet he willingly owned himself to be the Lord's minister and servant.

In the message bible it says: *David dressed in priestly robes and danced with great abandon*. It goes on to say that when his wife Micah scorned him for it he declared to her *Oh yes, I'll dance to God's glory, more recklessly even than this, and as far as I'm concerned I'll gladly look like a fool.*

Are we willing to worship the Lord with such reckless abandon, even to be considered a fool for the Glory of God?

There are 18 different references to dancing before the Lord in praise and worship. Psalm 149:3 Let them praise his name in the dance:Psalm 150:4 Praise him with the tambourine and dance Psalm 30:11 You have turned for me my mourning into dancing Luke 6:23 "Be glad at such a time, and dance for joy; for your reward is great in Heaven  etc.

Have we become so staid and uptight that we think more about what others think of us than God? Or are we so thankful and so deliriously happy in the Lord that we abandon all thought and let ourselves become expressive in our praise and worship before God?

Jun 7, 2011

What does the symbol of the cross mean to you?

We all know the story of the cross how they beat and tortured Jesus and hung him on the cross with nails in his hands and feet and a crown of thorns on his head. But take a moment to reflect  when you look upon a cross or you wear a cross around your neck. what does it mean to you? Two pieces of wood? A nice piece of jewelry? Maybe if we think deeply we see it for what took place that day upon the cross. But, do you really think about what it really means for you and you alone?

For me, as I was looking into purchasing one for my granddaughter, I knew in my heart that I couldn't just give it to her with her thinking of it as a pretty piece of jewelry. I need to share with her what special meaning that cross holds for me and pray that when she wears it she will find her own special meaning of it.

To me the cross does symbolize the fact that he died and suffered the wrath of God for my sins though he was an innocent man. Yes, it does symbolize that through his death He defeated the devil for me, and yes, it does symbolize that he defeated death ,hell, and the grave. But, to me it symbolizes much more.

To me it symbolizes His great love for me, it symbolizes that because of what he did on that cross I can enter the courts of God washed clean of my sins, it means that when I feel  there is none else to turn to that he was always there waiting for me. It means I have found someone in whom I can place my trust and faith and know it will never be  trampled upon , or broken as man is bound to do one time or another. It means to me that I have healing of my soul spirit and body that no other can provide because it cost the blood of Jesus to provide it for me. But, most of all to me it means that He chose me to give his life for , to die upon that cross for , he chose me even before I had chosen him.He chose me!!!

What does that cross mean to you personally? Do you see the overwhelming value of what took place on that cross? The cross itself is just a symbol of what took place but, It also is a reminder of what he did for us. 

Jun 6, 2011

The Armor of God- Don'tleave home without it!

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.  Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet  fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. 

Would you leave home without your physical clothing? I think not. So why would anyone leave off their spiritual clothing? Maybe because they don't understand what it means to put it on?Once we have put it on , it is not like physical clothing that we can change our outfits everyday. We can't change the breast plate of righteousness because it doesn't match what we want it to go with. We can change the belt of truth because it's gotten to tight. Or even change the gospel of peace that our feet are shoed with because we are tired of wearing the same every day.

These are spiritual clothes that we must leave on until the time when our course is run. If we don't we will be unprepared when the devil starts attacking us . And he most certainly will attack anyone who belongs to the kingdom of God. We have been called, we have a cause, we have a commission, we follow a course, so that we may receive our crown of life. The devil doesn't want us to complete or achieve any of these  so He will attack any chance he can get to knock us of that course trying to steal our crown.

We must pray , constantly , with all kinds of prayer and all earnestness. And we are also Told in this scripture that we are to humbly be in constant prayer for our fellow brothers and sisters of Christ.  Keeping watch that none of us be caught in the traps of our adversary.

Jun 4, 2011

In the Early Hours!

Have you ever sat outside first thing in the morning? In the early hours before all the hustle and bustle of the day begins? Before the world awakens?
I do a lot but, this morning as I was sitting out there I listened as the birds were chirping out their melodious tunes and the world was silent except for them. I thought about the birds and their songs and I wondered * Do you think their songs were songs of praise to their creator?*It made me want to add my voice to theirs(as bad as it is ) and just sing praises to my Father God.
Oh you may have big city buildings grown up around you and many houses around you, or you may be in the country where there isn't anything but, land but, somehow that stillness of the early morning makes the world seem beautiful.
I am in awe of all God has created and it seems easier to remember they are His creation when the earth is still and quiet. I wonder to myself, if God created such a beautiful place as this and it's our temporary home till he comes back for us, just imagine how infinitely more phenomenal heaven is. And to think he loves us so much that he promised us that one day we would live there. WOW is about the best word I can use.
We say the words of how beautiful we think our God is. We say the words of how glorious is his creation but, can we really conceive the depth of what we are saying? How infinite is our God? How infinite is His beauty? How infinite is his creation? We are part of his glorious creation and think of the complexity of what makes up our whole being and think about the fact that there are more people than can even be numbered and he knows each and ever fiber and cell of each one of us.  And he loves each and ever one of us. How vast? How infinite? How awesome? How unique? Is our God?

Jun 2, 2011

A prophet is not without honor!!!!

 One day as I was talking with Brother Carlos about a loved one whom i was trying to talk to about the Lord and they were just not hearing it from me. He responded with the statement that * A prophet is not welcome in his hometown or his own home*. That statement stayed with me and I thought on it for a time and this morning the Lord brought the verse to my attention to write about. The verse is found in (Matthew 13:57) *And they were offended in him. But Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country, and in his own house.*

As I was  stewing on this , I asked God* well what then should we do about our unsaved loved ones needing to be saved?* And here is what I feel he was saying to me.

We can not just give up on them but, I believe we must be willing to give them to God and let him deal with them. The bible says that* the prayers of a righteous man availeth much.* (James 5:16). I believe we need to give our unsaved loved ones over to God praying fervently for their salvation, and be willing to let God take care of them  and not interfere . that doesn't mean we stop praying, and it doesn't mean that we will not be the one to lead them to the Lord. We may not but, does that really matter as long as the do come to know the Lord? It may not even be in our time frame. They may have to go through some things that we would like to protect them from but, God knows the beginning from the end and He will bring about the situation that is just right for each individually.

We can let them know that we are there if they ever want to talk or ever need us but, we need to let God handle the rest. We as loved ones tend to go to God and say Lord I am so concerned for my loved ones salvation and I give them to you knowing that you will save them in your own time but, then we step in and either take it back because it seems nothing is happening or we don't like what they are going through.

We need to realize that God loves them more than we do and we need to entrust them to God. Then take your hands out of it and just keep praying for them.

As a side note : for many this will not apply. There are those who have had the privileged of leading their loved ones to the Lord. For those , I say you are blessed with that opportunity.
I sincerely hope this has been of help to someone as I know it has to me. God bless you!

Jun 1, 2011

Today is a good day to praise the Lord!!!!!

Each day as I wake up I thank the Lord that I have another day to live for him and to praise him. I thank him for loving me so much that He gave his only son that I may be saved. I thank him for my family and precious friends that he has given to me. I thank him for the abundance that he has provided for me and I thank him for my health.
Then I praise him for his wonderful love. I praise him for his glorious gift of life. I praise him that he is the almighty God. I praise him that his mercy is new every morning . I praise him because he deserves all my praise.

Then I begin to worship him for who he is , I give him all the glory and honor , I sit at his feet in adoration and love.

Then comes my quiet time with him where I listen for his still small voice. I listen for his teachings and his plans for my life. I listen for any instruction that he may give me.

Then and only then can I begin my day , but, I carry him with me through out my daily chores and doings. And at every chance I get I continue to thank him for even the smallest of things .

And then comes the end of my day where I can not go to sleep with out taking the time to thank him for another day and the blessings that he has bestowed upon me , and the hope that he has filled my spirit with . I fall asleep with the assurance that should I not wake another day that I will be with him in paradise forever  .

Can you think of a better way to spend your day? I can't and I'm thankful for the gift of being able to spend it with him.!